Friday, December 14, 2007

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The Designer adds Trenitalia: Trenitalia

"The procedure for the reduction of noise is playing for a week." (And we do not we realized maybe we were not careful.)
"The reserve should stay warm under your windows. This can not be turned off, or moved. "
" The Eurostar Martesana at the airport from 7 to 30 (!)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

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The Designer Says ...

- The "hot reserve" is a Eurostar, always on, on the line for emergencies High-Speed \u200b\u200b

.- The Eurostar have 9 megawatts of power, fans for cooling electronic drives, however, are independent of input power, so do not

-modulated .- The startup process: if the train is off requires a few hours 8 / 12 minutes after being turned off for the longest time, 20 minutes (automatic procedure) plus 25 minutes (procedure manual - brake test) .-

-It 's possible for a procedure to reduce the period of lighting in parking .-

Monday, December 3, 2007

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Relief ARPA

Following the inspection with photographic survey, ARPA expects provided by the municipality.

Friday, November 30, 2007

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Nell'uffico Public Relations ASL 3 of Milan, we learn that: "... is not our expertise."

Thursday, November 29, 2007

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call with the head of Department of Milano - Physical Agents.
I undertake to send a technician, stating that without a request by the City, ARPA can not intervene.
It also communicates that the trains are parked treated as infrastructure.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

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The convoluted

phone call to the office of the head of Prevention and protection of the airport of Florence, however, new "Responsible for Trenitalia Eurostar parked on the tracks of competence RFI, under the direction of the Manager at the airport OMAV Martesana for Trenitalia" (?)

Answer: "There is no recall, .

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

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First call to 'ARPA.
Answer: "With the FS there is nothing to do."

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

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RFI Meeting in the office of Milan (who deal with the noise abatement). We are shown the importance of phonometric 29/11/2004; the values \u200b\u200bare above the permitted limits.
And Eurostar in 2004 there were more!

obtain a commitment to report to the central Rome, that the relief is no longer present in 2004 (!)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

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The "hot reserve"

After a stopover in Eurostar has been on for 26 hours, solicit clarification from the manager of the airport, and reported the incident to the Provincial Police.
No response.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

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... the Provincial Police.

meeting in Milan. We get the commitment a. .. see if you can do something.
"However, it is not within our competence . Calls" those Strip ... "

Friday, October 12, 2007

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Second meeting with the manager Trenitalia

Answer:" Do not make any significant phonometric, because there is already one of 2004. Know that your home is part of the recovery plan RFI.

The seat of RFI a Milano è in via Breda, a 500 metri da noi... Ci vedono, ma noi non esistiamo.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

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August 2007 August 2007

Primo incontro con un responsabile Trenitalia per lo Scalo Martesana.
Otteniamo l'impegno ad eseguire un rilievo fonometrico.

Friday, August 10, 2007

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Incontro con un responsabile dell' Ufficio Inquinamento Acustico - Settore Attuazione Politiche Ambientali del Comune di Milano.
Risposta: "... a causa della legge 447, non è di nostra competenza . Cercatevi un politico."

Monday, May 28, 2007

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Time passes ... No answer.

Non ricevendo risposta, l'amministratore informa il Comune che la situazione è sempre la stessa.
Among the condominiums
winds of loss ...

Monday, February 26, 2007

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The City invites you to take action

The Industry Environmental Policies of the City , send a letter to RFI, which is responsible for the Eurostar trains (High Speed) - ETR500y.

Notify the condominiums that are complaining about the noise and called the 'Company to act, by adopting suitable measures, and waits for a response.

The hope for a speedy resolution of the problem is getting certain ...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

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Part of the complaint to the City of Milan and all 'ARPA

Dopo diversi mesi, durante i quali i condomini hanno dovuto sopportare il rumore provocato dai treni ETR500y, abbiamo deciso di inoltrare un esposto al Comune di Milano.

L'amministratore del condominio prepara una lettera, con in allegato le firme di 36 residenti. Il plico viene inviato, via raccomandata AR, al Settore Ambiente/Energia del Comune di Milano e, per conoscenza, all' ARPA REGIONE LOMBARDIA.

La speranza, in una rapida soluzione del problema, fa breccia tra i condomini...