San Gimignano - FURNITURE Sacchini 1-1: Sangh dominates but equalized in the recovery
pity, really a great pity. A point lost, left the road down which many seem to see but which still has too many curves it is clearly visible on its end, the banner with the words scintillating playoffs. The victory, under the towers, you wait too long though and, five days after the end of the regular season, are still six points that separate the sixth ranked Sangiamatori is legitimate aim for the maximum results day after day without necessarily wait forward to the results Afternoon amateur. And victory Friday would be the Sangiamatori if deserved, no doubt. The game starts in the best way for the team of Bisignano. Rossi and Pollina appear in the day, government and Nencini dominate their respective segments of competence, requiring an external sacchiniani hard, and not always successful, defensive work. In defense Bazzani, Panichi and plaque do not seem to suffer much the trident proposed by Mr. Vitale. One problem for the towers, a huge problem when it comes to playing football, a morbid, disturbing, terrifying offensive inconclusive. The cross comes more often (especially from the right) but no one seems to be in the middle position, and bad timing to hurl the ball behind for a more secure Gambassi. When someone finally manages to finalize the action the result is far from satisfactory. The Sangi playing football, dribbling, running the ball well from the front of the other synthetic Belvedere but never pulls the door, the host team plays football for his part in the only way I've ever seen him play and preach shamelessly from a guru of the beautiful game as Vitale: The cannon of a goalkeeper can jump over more men looking for Cioffi pulling in leads always from every position. Despite the total lack of "football" by Sacchini know what it means to be smart, cute and nasty. Free-kick beautifully by Cioffi with a delicate lob over the barrier, defense towers in unpaid vacation, Rossi slips, and knocks stuffing out Mannucci. A terrific low blow for the locals. The nervousness also fueled by a raging race direction far from Mr undisputable. De Santis. In the changing room, between the first and the second time reigns in disbelief: we are losing, playing the better football but we are having now in a single shot on goal against a team that is not objectively binds us even shoes. The desire to continue with the forcing, however, means that even in the second half will see one team in the field. The Sangimignano attacks, bounce shots are in every way and manner, ball does not want to enter, Government shoots wide from 27 inches, Guarino touches the pole, a deviation of unfortunate Edwards (defender guest) finishes a few inches from the intersection of the poles ... bad luck seems to play a nasty blow to the turreted. The offensive rush, but when fruit is not easily exposed to counter-attack and it takes a couple of interventions (eh ... well this time) to keep the results of Mannucci on one to zero. Two minutes after the end is the same number 1 to lead the charge. There's a corner kick to beat, fat is already on the ball ... need everyone's help. Everyone in the area ... "the ball comes to a meter away from me, there is a mesh there ... the striking yellow, heads for the door, enter ... enter ... ... entraaaaaaaaaaa by cock! "
The transcripts of Outcome
Mannucci 6.5: innocent touches on the ball for goal conceded the entire first half stood at a distance to infertility offensive mates. Becomes crucial at the end with a couple of times you need to foil an attempted lob and a one on one from "the ball or removal action." Given the clarity and boldness with which it operates outside the box with his head and feet is reasonable to think that if you want you can put an end to the controversy Baths-Targa.
Targi 6: performs well for as long as the grants Bisignano. Some good action, very few smudges. In the second village goes to 4-4-2 with the central pair-Bazzani Panichi.
Panichi 6: Its task is to mark the rapid Orphans. Despite the slower can make absolutely sterile host the attacker using his technical skills and placement.
Bazzani 7: Cioffi gravity far from the port Mannucci ready to exploit the "assist" mileage Gambassi. Bazzani controls it to finishing duty to minimize the danger of the number 8 every time a guest is approaching the target. Ringhio for the mission was unique zero Cioffi. Sin that the markings can not be about who is fighting to bring the free-kicks.
Governa 7: First-time standing ovation. Ready in five minutes away and literally flies on the wing perfectly launched earlier by Rossi and then by Pollina. The cross is beautiful ... shame that away from me you do not repeat. In the second village the raids are limited abasement on the line of defenders and by the advance of labor.
Pollina 6.5 : Quiet, calm and ideas that are born and take shape as ever this season. If Rossi is the link between midfield and attack, Pollina is the metronome of the team: running the ball from one level to another timing and precision worthy of a true center-median-Methodist. Lacks a bit 'of malice, that stuff in the middle of the field (see Mr. Michele Rossi) made the difference.
Rossi 6.5: When the game is always materializes his paw. Its games are never trivial, sometimes ending with a loss of control of the ball but when they are realized are flashes of genius for the team. The first time you fail to score on a free-kick from him, buy you a drink.
Nencini 6: Match fully sufficient without sounding negative peaks or outputs. He like his fellow band "Pupi" often come at the bottom but no decision in the zampata finale verso il mezzo dell’area.
Pupi Governa 5,5: Prima volta dal primo minuto per il baby-Governa. Chiamato a giocare da punta esterna di sinistra non si vede granché nel primo tempo ma nel secondo ha sui piedi la palla del pareggio a 15 minuti dal termine con tutto il tempo per provare a ribaltare il punteggio del primo tempo. Nonostante la buona prestazione, come preannunciato, caro Pupi quel bove chianino che ti sei mangiato vale mezzo punto in meno.
Guarino 6: Si vede poco, pochissimo, nel primo tempo e se i cross che piovono nel mezzo all’area non vengono finalizzati buona parte della responsabilità è da attribuire alla punta centrale. Si salva nel migliore dei modi spedendo oltre la linea di porta l’ultimo pallone utile del match con un’incornata, stavolta, da vero numero 9.
Esposito 5,5: La volontà di far bene per se stesso, ma soprattutto per la squadra, è evidente, gli si legge in faccia ed è facilmente comprensibile dalle sue parole. La paura che però l’enorme voglia di tornare al gol sia diventata un’ossessione difficilmente gestibile inizia a prendere piede. Serve convinzione nelle proprie qualità e voglia di far ricredere tutti coloro che vedono in lui un arrosto troppo fumoso.
Grassi 6,5: Come promesso un buon voto per chi per 40 minuti ha proseguito il riscaldamento arando il rivestimento sintetico della fascia delle panchine e si è fato trovare pronto nel momento in cui è stato chiamato a dare il proprio contributo alla causa sangimignanese. Tra i pochi palloni toccati, inoltre, c’è quello calciato con l’ultimo calcio d’angolo del match, quello decisivo spinto da Guarino alle spalle di Gambassi.
Tamburello 5,5 : Entra ad inizio ripresa ma non incide granché in fase offensiva. Si può fare di più, soprattutto considerando le brillanti prestazioni esibite qualche settimana fa.
Caldini s.v.
Mare s.v.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Maytag Performa Refrigerator Manual
Pantaloni con decorazioni
Sul sito Etsy, l'equivalente di ebay per le cose fatte a mano, si trovano cose davvero singolari (per usare un eufemismo). E' il caso di questi pantaloni... abbelliti con piccole applicazioni pazientemente ritagliate da una maglietta e cucite una ad una . Non so se dovrebbero sembrare sexy o spiritosi: per quanto mi riguarda, I do not believe neither the one nor the other. Indeed. Those who wish to purchase will seek it alone on the Net: no link this time.
Anyone Ever Had Coldsore On Nose
James in calzamaglia
James Franco is probably the young man cool at the time. Not only delight his fans with male deliberately ambiguous statements (but there are those who consider them purely and simply pandering) ...
... not only shows languid poses and sexy but you do want in photos like these, stolen from behind the scenes of evidence ballet style Grease made with Anne Hathaway to the Oscars.
That's nice. It is not bad either ballet (but in my opinion, three hours time, it removed from Youtube)
... not only shows languid poses and sexy but you do want in photos like these, stolen from behind the scenes of evidence ballet style Grease made with Anne Hathaway to the Oscars.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Magnifier Bushnell Trophy
Il tatuaggio di David
David Beckham has managed to make himself a real media phenomenon and many years, everything that concerns it gets an echo. It 's the case of yet, horrible tattoo that was made to do and to whom even spoke in an interview, then promptly posted on youtube >> . The curious thing, however, concerns not tanto il disegno (una deposizione dalla croce in cui Gesù è portato via dai Cherubini?) quanto la farneticante motivazione che sta dietro la scelta: " ad un certo punto della mia vita i miei ragazzi dovranno prendersi cura di me... è quella la ragione ". Boh. Non voglio credere che si paragoni al Salvatore; inoltre, come ho già detto altre volte, non sono interessato al suo cervello. E' un peccato però che con tutto quell'inchiostro addosso il suo bel corpo si vede appena.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Eagle Sports Metal Cores For Cheap
La pennichella di James
Il giovane attore statunitense James Franco diventa più cool ogni giorno che passa: incredibile ma vero. ( qui la foto intera).
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Descargar Pirates Collector´s
Ritratti di famiglia stellari
Pseudo "ritratti di famiglia" riproducenti i personaggi di Star Wars , opera dell'artista grafico irlandese Steven Quinn >> che ne ha prodotti di svariati ed ugualmente ameni.
Mi sorprendo sempre al pensiero che un tizio, trentacinque anni fa, si sia levato dalla testa un film e dei personaggi che sono entrati nel patrimonio della cultura e sono diventati delle icone senza tempo. Questi quadri, però, non si possono guardare .
Mi sorprendo sempre al pensiero che un tizio, trentacinque anni fa, si sia levato dalla testa un film e dei personaggi che sono entrati nel patrimonio della cultura e sono diventati delle icone senza tempo. Questi quadri, però, non si possono guardare .
Lyme Disease And Optical Migraines
David per Sergio
David Sergio: Sergio lucky. That's not a guy (unfortunately for him), but a clothing label Made in Brazil (Sergio K, in fact). The model, of course, David Gandy, who is also a favorite of Dolce and Gabbana. Not hardly imagine why, although it is not exactly my type. Look too grim, too angry and not at adolescence. Not that I would send them away if you knock on my door.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Swine Flu Symptoms Arm Pain
Campiglia - San Gimignano 1-0: Ok defend, but the attack is absolute devastation
absolute accuracy, maximum concentration, the limits of human attention ... this is necessary to be able to take away from the camp of Campiglieros at least one zero zero. For something more is necessary to try to kick at least once in the door in 80 minutes of play. On defense you can also deploy Mazinga, Daytarn3, MAjimbu, Goku and Vegeta but you always hope that none of them lose a moment's attention, because the front of the Campiglia's really from another planet.
L 'impressive offensive potential Faccin team coach, despite a midfield without infamy and without praise and a defense anything but grand if we pull out the "giocodappertuttoelofòsemprebene" Cissé demonstrates once again be able to do the good and the bad weather and could decide the outcome of an entire match in the space of a spin. Here is where the superiority of Campiglia. Kick to "live the pastor" Cisse, the ball beyond half court and hands in pockets waiting for the three lions in front sbranino the prey as soon as possible. I have not seen much more objectively. Kameni who does what he wants as soon as his direct marker ends up grant 10 cm, with three macro steps on a brick tow the ball, move the opponent and is able to remotely control the ball wherever he pleases and that once entered Morelli ranges from right to left using speed and technique to sink the knife found in the side of the defense of San Gimignano. Then, there is also willing Ndow on Saturday has done little but we honestly consider that while he had attached to his ankles for 80 minutes a "Mr." defender Marco as "Cyber" Pepi. An "any attacker" would curse and everything was going to take a shower on the 15th of the first half. Here is the game: 5 vs. 3, a concierge, a free, three markers against three attackers: a shot on goal from open play, a goal. Everything else, especially with regard to the sangimignano is boring, deep boring and irritating. Zero backlash, zero steps are worthy of the name, cross zero, zero entries, zero shots from distance, zero malice in front of goal, but especially ZERO ideas of how to give a semblance of attacking football with a performance that seemed to immediately early surrender more than an attempt to bring home important points in optical playoffs. The transcripts of
Mannucci 5.5: Two operations on two free kicks and little else. Macri's shot that decides the match and played the beautiful crown of Kameni enhances the lack of determination, experience and bad put into practice on the occasion of the defense of San Gimignano. His final position after the movement to cover the door is not the best striker and a like number 9 local unforgiving.
Panichi 5.5: The soccer brilliance and swagger that made him the undisputed champion of my rear are missing. Despite the physical condition, severely shaken by fever attacks during the week, not the 100% does its best to try to stem the class and watching game bomber Macri. In the second half is due to hold off the much more jewel Morelli and that is where the after-effects of influenza appear to be felt most.
Targi 5.5: Well for 20 minutes when it comes to sweep the edge of the area and to plug the few holes left by fellow department. Then, at some point they see you coming meeting Kameni at breakneck speed, rather than knock it down with the bad prefers to wait inevitably become prey. I agree with pollen, has been lost because he now has given a kick in less than necessary ...
Pepi 7: What Ndow duel with the show! Kicks and elbows to no end that ultimately hurt the ankle Cyber \u200b\u200bbut not to allow the black panther Campiglia no games worthy of note. Never fight in the dome in all conflicts and to seek the advance even now when the opponent's position would indicate an easy stop.
Governa 5.5: first thirty minutes from the manual. There is to be followed in every Kameni where he is working and grinding km glued to the ankles of the number 10 "local". One slip, one damn slide in a piece of mud filled with silt and the damage is done. Served zero errors, zero and zero unfortunate oversights. Was unfortunately not the case.
Caldini 5: Because of the "warming up early" to test the health of my back I missed the information about Mr. Bisignano deliveries that each of the 11 would have to carry out on the pitch. If these were: Defend, defend only, and always defend the "Quantity" would have deserved a good 6. In all other cases it is very reasonable to expect something more of a midfielder. Spaces for placements but there would also seem to be satisfied (except in some sporadic cases) more than hold the line and throw an eye toward their opponents rather than jump to attack the port of Volpi.
Rossi 5.5: sangimiganese The game has no alternative but to go for his feet. Unless, however, "el pantera" decides to fight on the feet of remittances from the bottom, the side from midfield and the punishments and building from the action is very difficult to concoct a convincing move. Try to move freely in space but his companions seem to prefer the long ball to ... Cissé. Try to make their mark kicking an enormous amount of punishment from three-quarters (30% good, 70% unwatchable) on an open area where but no one is able to combine something.
Nencini 5: Once at the bottom, there's only one thing to do in the manual of football: cross. In the copy handed to him but this page must have been full of typos. Rossi puts him at least 3 times in a position to do so but no ball arrives in the area of \u200b\u200bGuarino & Co. In a game set with a 4-4-2 (1-3-4-2 if we consider the free off) the game must go on the wings and it is essential to find external these parts that contribute to the action in a decisive offensive. Saturday it never happened.
Tamburello 4.5: Nothing game even on his side. Balloons will arrive on the right unless the left and one reason is certainly the bad positioning and the space is occupied by Tambus. Lacks malice and determination, providing plenty enough.
Edwards 4: Nothing against him (God forbid!) But when the team plays like he played Saturday (long balls to lose and played only by chance and trust in luck) a player with his characteristics hopelessly ends to exit the game. No football player, a decent, no danger.
Guarino 5.5 : We test healing, we try in all ways to make space, to ground balls disguised as meteorites, to make the banks to give breath to the movement. Unfortunately it ends up look like a white elephant of the offending team's ability to San Gimignano.
Pollina 6: Enter and the game seems to slowly wake up from slumber. Good initiatives and good moves, but do not overdo it with at least a little bit of football. "
Pupi governs 6: Boy (1991 pe'davvero but joking!) Wants to be seen and tried, even from long distance sidereal. Award to the will, not so much the result.
Bellini ASV : One-stop about ten yards and not to chase more.
Ocean SV
absolute accuracy, maximum concentration, the limits of human attention ... this is necessary to be able to take away from the camp of Campiglieros at least one zero zero. For something more is necessary to try to kick at least once in the door in 80 minutes of play. On defense you can also deploy Mazinga, Daytarn3, MAjimbu, Goku and Vegeta but you always hope that none of them lose a moment's attention, because the front of the Campiglia's really from another planet.
L 'impressive offensive potential Faccin team coach, despite a midfield without infamy and without praise and a defense anything but grand if we pull out the "giocodappertuttoelofòsemprebene" Cissé demonstrates once again be able to do the good and the bad weather and could decide the outcome of an entire match in the space of a spin. Here is where the superiority of Campiglia. Kick to "live the pastor" Cisse, the ball beyond half court and hands in pockets waiting for the three lions in front sbranino the prey as soon as possible. I have not seen much more objectively. Kameni who does what he wants as soon as his direct marker ends up grant 10 cm, with three macro steps on a brick tow the ball, move the opponent and is able to remotely control the ball wherever he pleases and that once entered Morelli ranges from right to left using speed and technique to sink the knife found in the side of the defense of San Gimignano. Then, there is also willing Ndow on Saturday has done little but we honestly consider that while he had attached to his ankles for 80 minutes a "Mr." defender Marco as "Cyber" Pepi. An "any attacker" would curse and everything was going to take a shower on the 15th of the first half. Here is the game: 5 vs. 3, a concierge, a free, three markers against three attackers: a shot on goal from open play, a goal. Everything else, especially with regard to the sangimignano is boring, deep boring and irritating. Zero backlash, zero steps are worthy of the name, cross zero, zero entries, zero shots from distance, zero malice in front of goal, but especially ZERO ideas of how to give a semblance of attacking football with a performance that seemed to immediately early surrender more than an attempt to bring home important points in optical playoffs. The transcripts of
Mannucci 5.5: Two operations on two free kicks and little else. Macri's shot that decides the match and played the beautiful crown of Kameni enhances the lack of determination, experience and bad put into practice on the occasion of the defense of San Gimignano. His final position after the movement to cover the door is not the best striker and a like number 9 local unforgiving.
Panichi 5.5: The soccer brilliance and swagger that made him the undisputed champion of my rear are missing. Despite the physical condition, severely shaken by fever attacks during the week, not the 100% does its best to try to stem the class and watching game bomber Macri. In the second half is due to hold off the much more jewel Morelli and that is where the after-effects of influenza appear to be felt most.
Targi 5.5: Well for 20 minutes when it comes to sweep the edge of the area and to plug the few holes left by fellow department. Then, at some point they see you coming meeting Kameni at breakneck speed, rather than knock it down with the bad prefers to wait inevitably become prey. I agree with pollen, has been lost because he now has given a kick in less than necessary ...
Pepi 7: What Ndow duel with the show! Kicks and elbows to no end that ultimately hurt the ankle Cyber \u200b\u200bbut not to allow the black panther Campiglia no games worthy of note. Never fight in the dome in all conflicts and to seek the advance even now when the opponent's position would indicate an easy stop.
Governa 5.5: first thirty minutes from the manual. There is to be followed in every Kameni where he is working and grinding km glued to the ankles of the number 10 "local". One slip, one damn slide in a piece of mud filled with silt and the damage is done. Served zero errors, zero and zero unfortunate oversights. Was unfortunately not the case.
Caldini 5: Because of the "warming up early" to test the health of my back I missed the information about Mr. Bisignano deliveries that each of the 11 would have to carry out on the pitch. If these were: Defend, defend only, and always defend the "Quantity" would have deserved a good 6. In all other cases it is very reasonable to expect something more of a midfielder. Spaces for placements but there would also seem to be satisfied (except in some sporadic cases) more than hold the line and throw an eye toward their opponents rather than jump to attack the port of Volpi.
Rossi 5.5: sangimiganese The game has no alternative but to go for his feet. Unless, however, "el pantera" decides to fight on the feet of remittances from the bottom, the side from midfield and the punishments and building from the action is very difficult to concoct a convincing move. Try to move freely in space but his companions seem to prefer the long ball to ... Cissé. Try to make their mark kicking an enormous amount of punishment from three-quarters (30% good, 70% unwatchable) on an open area where but no one is able to combine something.
Nencini 5: Once at the bottom, there's only one thing to do in the manual of football: cross. In the copy handed to him but this page must have been full of typos. Rossi puts him at least 3 times in a position to do so but no ball arrives in the area of \u200b\u200bGuarino & Co. In a game set with a 4-4-2 (1-3-4-2 if we consider the free off) the game must go on the wings and it is essential to find external these parts that contribute to the action in a decisive offensive. Saturday it never happened.
Tamburello 4.5: Nothing game even on his side. Balloons will arrive on the right unless the left and one reason is certainly the bad positioning and the space is occupied by Tambus. Lacks malice and determination, providing plenty enough.
Edwards 4: Nothing against him (God forbid!) But when the team plays like he played Saturday (long balls to lose and played only by chance and trust in luck) a player with his characteristics hopelessly ends to exit the game. No football player, a decent, no danger.
Guarino 5.5 : We test healing, we try in all ways to make space, to ground balls disguised as meteorites, to make the banks to give breath to the movement. Unfortunately it ends up look like a white elephant of the offending team's ability to San Gimignano.
Pollina 6: Enter and the game seems to slowly wake up from slumber. Good initiatives and good moves, but do not overdo it with at least a little bit of football. "
Pupi governs 6: Boy (1991 pe'davvero but joking!) Wants to be seen and tried, even from long distance sidereal. Award to the will, not so much the result.
Bellini ASV : One-stop about ten yards and not to chase more.
Ocean SV
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Belkin Tunebase Fm Fuse
Universitari e fuochi d'artificio
Some students at the University of Arkansas, appropriately denudatisi (?) Engages in a session of lipdubbing Firework in which reproduce the song ("fireworks") of Katy Perry. The intent of the boys was clearly intended to be desired, but, as far as I'm concerned, is achieved only in part. The theater is not much with the song: nothing to do with this .
Dragon Age Backup Save
Essenza di vagina
Or the "intimate Scent of a beautiful woman . Sounds like a joke but it is not: in fact it is not a deodorant staff but of essence for your olfactory pleasure (at least that the site says).
Just a drop of this "valuable organic matter" on the back of the hand to release the intense odor that emanates from a sensuous vagina.
The delicate filmatino publicity that subtly allude prefer rather than saying explicitly (... luckily we are spared the time immediately following), shows the effect of the miraculous essence. If you have 25 € to be invested, and maybe someone to give it away, you can find online >> , As I said before, I feel no aversion to the female body: hence, to buy such a concoction, but , there runs.
Just a drop of this "valuable organic matter" on the back of the hand to release the intense odor that emanates from a sensuous vagina.
The delicate filmatino publicity that subtly allude prefer rather than saying explicitly (... luckily we are spared the time immediately following), shows the effect of the miraculous essence. If you have 25 € to be invested, and maybe someone to give it away, you can find online >> , As I said before, I feel no aversion to the female body: hence, to buy such a concoction, but , there runs.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Free Bang Bang Shrimp Coupon
Il costumino del naufrago
The Brazilian model Alves Thyago was hired for the Isle of fame just because you could wish for. It's happening. ( magnification )
Threshold Install -door
Coda robotica
Have you ever thought about how it would have a tail, like so many animals ? Well, for those who want to see the effect there is the perfect solution: a corset complete with a robotic tail, made of several pieces jointed and fitted with actuators that react to movements of the pelvis of the wearer the device. A few hours of practice and ensures Ryota Kuwakubo, the brilliant designer whom we owe this device, as will have always had a queue . We hope to be marketed as soon as possible, I know that I could not help it (?)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Humiliating Self Facial
Sacco a pelo anatomico
sleeping bag depicting the internal anatomy of a human body : 2 meters and 15, fifty €, either directly online>> I do not know whether it is brilliant or absolutely repellent, but currently favor the second option. By contrast, the version Tutankhamun made me laugh.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
What Is The Difference Between Cubefield 1 And 2
GS PADOVANI - San Gimignano 1-1: El Pantera also marks on the football field ...
Negative probably begin by proposing the same question last week: How much is a tie? A draw general, yes. Because this time it is not a zero-zero. Well, this week I feel substantially more satisfied than last, and then say that this 1 to 1 is worth more than 0 to 0. Worth more than before because we were a team built to win lady, with great potential and enormous individuality, albeit undoubtedly better than last Friday's San Rocco. Worth more because we have reached a comeback. Worth more because it allows us to maintain the separation from sixth in the standings but also, frankly, is more valuable because it comes seven days before the end of the regular season.
The transcripts of outcome and NEGATIVE:
Mannucci 5.5:
E: In a game that was important to make a simple positive note, the slight improvement on remittances from the bottom and a negative : the placement and some output that could be done but it remained only intentions. You say NEGATIVE?
N: Actually in the first half we came out a little ' bit and if it had been a bit 'higher and watch many offensive actions would unravel with fewer worries. From the forum someone has pointed out as the main culprits of the goals now? They reply with a Blown burp!
Pepi 6.5: Called to mark one of the fastest and talented strikers of the tournament gives life with his opponent to a duel with no holds barred but still above the threshold of sportsmanship. Limited on this point not to ever give him the simple game and pulling the door is the stuff of great defenders. In the face of those who would like him with the shoes attached to the nail.
Panichi 6.5 : Clear, in defense of Mannucci fight between two gladiators Bazzani and Pepi. Another benefit to be framed for the captain towered. Bisignano until the line up in defense (the role apparently does not make much difference) will not stop praising the exploits of the captain. If there were to be harping on my boring also recommended to the mystery of midfield will see that ... I'll stop now.
Bazzani 5.5: At half time I told myself. "What Bazzani performance on a real tough nut as Borova! Actually with him are a bit 'naughty, deserves my respect. And 'one of the strongest defenders in the league, he knows ... and he knows that I know! Street, from the time she deserves a nice votone! " Instead, tac! Inattention to rap on his hands! Graziano's venomous free-kick, the ball slips into the box and see Bazzani Borova bags from one meter.
Nencini 6: A first devoted more time to defend that to offend in the course of which he would expect a bit 'more grit, resourcefulness and determination, perhaps equal to those made in the second village to see where EL SABOR not disdain even the sorties offensive. During one of these is primed in the middle of the penalty area to assist Guarino with a precise low shot. Bad luck has it that the pole to stop the beautiful conclusion of the first intention.
Governa 5: Viewed from the door appears dazed and apathetic. At half time leaves the area devastated by fatigue. It matters little, after 19 performances at the highest levels, there may be a day when you find the reservoir drained.
Caldini 6.5: Yet another great proof of dynamism and determination. The performance improvements over the past years are standing-ovation. Very few daring actors of the movement performance of a few months ago. If you were able to set the action with the same quality with which it is able to limit the maneuver we are not talking about attacking a player from UISP.
Pollina 6.5: What a nice surprise! Deployed to a pair of midfield with Caldini behind Rossi is called to brush up the splendor of a few years ago and to give proof that the technical and safety raised with such ease and fluency are not just a distant memory. Mission accomplished!
Rossi 7: His preferred position (second only to that which saw him sitting with his legs under a table in front of a plate of cold cuts ... and another that will also be secret but apparently unable to give good fruit ...) is just a few yards further back than where it wants Bisignano. The class, however, is not water and the value of the Panther comes out anyway. True (and only) San Gimignano flagship operation is slightly hesitant in the first fraction, but bully comes in the second. The goal of film library with a shot from the applauses which sends the ball where the sun does not beat worth the ticket price (which are Sacchini 5 euros!).
Edwards 6: The goals will come with a dropper, but good performance does not seem to find a break. Play and runs for the team all the time during which it remains in the field, creating space and creating hardships on many occasions his direct marker.
Guarino 7: Performance amazing in all respects. Good example of the modern struggle for center forward 80 minutes and never backing down, it increases the team as the best Bobo Vieri, sgom hard like Kozac wins and a myriad Gilardino punishment better than good. No goals in this round but its performance underlines an important fact: San Gimignano has finally found the striker who has been waiting for.
Tamburello 6: It is insightful as against the San Rocco, but is not even the annoying and ineffectual Tambus last year. From its action on the right wing insisted the action was born of the best match that ends with the pole struck by Nencini.
Pupi Governa 6: The time to leave the signature on the match is not much but he seems not to want to miss this opportunity. His speed mixed with enviable technique makes it a thorn in the side continues for each marker.
Negative probably begin by proposing the same question last week: How much is a tie? A draw general, yes. Because this time it is not a zero-zero. Well, this week I feel substantially more satisfied than last, and then say that this 1 to 1 is worth more than 0 to 0. Worth more than before because we were a team built to win lady, with great potential and enormous individuality, albeit undoubtedly better than last Friday's San Rocco. Worth more because we have reached a comeback. Worth more because it allows us to maintain the separation from sixth in the standings but also, frankly, is more valuable because it comes seven days before the end of the regular season.
The transcripts of outcome and NEGATIVE:
Mannucci 5.5:
E: In a game that was important to make a simple positive note, the slight improvement on remittances from the bottom and a negative : the placement and some output that could be done but it remained only intentions. You say NEGATIVE?
N: Actually in the first half we came out a little ' bit and if it had been a bit 'higher and watch many offensive actions would unravel with fewer worries. From the forum someone has pointed out as the main culprits of the goals now? They reply with a Blown burp!
Pepi 6.5: Called to mark one of the fastest and talented strikers of the tournament gives life with his opponent to a duel with no holds barred but still above the threshold of sportsmanship. Limited on this point not to ever give him the simple game and pulling the door is the stuff of great defenders. In the face of those who would like him with the shoes attached to the nail.
Panichi 6.5 : Clear, in defense of Mannucci fight between two gladiators Bazzani and Pepi. Another benefit to be framed for the captain towered. Bisignano until the line up in defense (the role apparently does not make much difference) will not stop praising the exploits of the captain. If there were to be harping on my boring also recommended to the mystery of midfield will see that ... I'll stop now.
Bazzani 5.5: At half time I told myself. "What Bazzani performance on a real tough nut as Borova! Actually with him are a bit 'naughty, deserves my respect. And 'one of the strongest defenders in the league, he knows ... and he knows that I know! Street, from the time she deserves a nice votone! " Instead, tac! Inattention to rap on his hands! Graziano's venomous free-kick, the ball slips into the box and see Bazzani Borova bags from one meter.
Nencini 6: A first devoted more time to defend that to offend in the course of which he would expect a bit 'more grit, resourcefulness and determination, perhaps equal to those made in the second village to see where EL SABOR not disdain even the sorties offensive. During one of these is primed in the middle of the penalty area to assist Guarino with a precise low shot. Bad luck has it that the pole to stop the beautiful conclusion of the first intention.
Governa 5: Viewed from the door appears dazed and apathetic. At half time leaves the area devastated by fatigue. It matters little, after 19 performances at the highest levels, there may be a day when you find the reservoir drained.
Caldini 6.5: Yet another great proof of dynamism and determination. The performance improvements over the past years are standing-ovation. Very few daring actors of the movement performance of a few months ago. If you were able to set the action with the same quality with which it is able to limit the maneuver we are not talking about attacking a player from UISP.
Pollina 6.5: What a nice surprise! Deployed to a pair of midfield with Caldini behind Rossi is called to brush up the splendor of a few years ago and to give proof that the technical and safety raised with such ease and fluency are not just a distant memory. Mission accomplished!
Rossi 7: His preferred position (second only to that which saw him sitting with his legs under a table in front of a plate of cold cuts ... and another that will also be secret but apparently unable to give good fruit ...) is just a few yards further back than where it wants Bisignano. The class, however, is not water and the value of the Panther comes out anyway. True (and only) San Gimignano flagship operation is slightly hesitant in the first fraction, but bully comes in the second. The goal of film library with a shot from the applauses which sends the ball where the sun does not beat worth the ticket price (which are Sacchini 5 euros!).
Edwards 6: The goals will come with a dropper, but good performance does not seem to find a break. Play and runs for the team all the time during which it remains in the field, creating space and creating hardships on many occasions his direct marker.
Guarino 7: Performance amazing in all respects. Good example of the modern struggle for center forward 80 minutes and never backing down, it increases the team as the best Bobo Vieri, sgom hard like Kozac wins and a myriad Gilardino punishment better than good. No goals in this round but its performance underlines an important fact: San Gimignano has finally found the striker who has been waiting for.
Tamburello 6: It is insightful as against the San Rocco, but is not even the annoying and ineffectual Tambus last year. From its action on the right wing insisted the action was born of the best match that ends with the pole struck by Nencini.
Pupi Governa 6: The time to leave the signature on the match is not much but he seems not to want to miss this opportunity. His speed mixed with enviable technique makes it a thorn in the side continues for each marker.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Crusing Spots In Baltimore
big match one another. From Uopini Maltraverso in half an hour difference on the kick-off will challenge Padovani, and San Gimignano. Both veterans without a win by a round face each other in a delicate play off clash. The bodywork of Fazzuoli came out not too well the challenge with the Staggia and back to fifth place in the standings. Saturday saw what was still a great Padovani that he tried with all the strength to rebuild a game started badly. But the imprecision the skill of defenders and opponents have come fate so that a new defeat. Another collision on Saturday circle of red against another playoff contender in the area. What now seems to be missing at Padovani is a leader capable of guiding and stimulating companions, an element of charisma to lead the troops. All very good individuality seem to still play for own and have not yet tuned to the usual frequency. San Gimignano of Bisignano reach Maltraverso after a par with the St. Rocco that showed a step back after the great win against the USAP. The challenge to Padovani is a litmus test to see how are turreted and what their real condition of the form and strength. Bisignano set the usual defensive game with Pepi and Bazzani, in my opinion one of the best defensive pair in the championship, on the trail of bits guests. For the rest external low and then climb over time and probably the liveliness of fat in support of the duo Guarino-Edwards. Especially crucial for meeting the locals who want to and must continue to keep rivals at a safe distance. Behind Fomento, USAP and San Rocco are ready to jump on the prey if it begins to slow. Further advance of play off, maybe two completely different teams: the ruthlessness of the attack and Padovani against the concrete and grit of the Sangha. A Maltraverso be a battle.
Che grande match…peccato che vincerà sicuramente il padovani..Esito mi ho paura che voi ce la farete fitta ai play-off..tutti mi idcono che siete aRRIVATI..IO NON CI CREDO..Ma il Di Pasquale che ha combinato?? Lo sapete voi siete simpatici e anche amici..approposito detto il Funa che non è vero che ti aveva chiamato il Viko..eri te che l’hai chiamato piangendo..e gli dicevi: TI PREGO FUNA..FAMMI GIOCARE UN ANNO CON ODEINO..TI SCONGIURO..TI PAGO..!! Ringhio ringhio…solo l’ USAP ti ha te hai fatto bene a non in do Go to 'USAP .. anyway .. do not worry if you never let us vico .. I would be happy to Sangi .. to make the tunnel PLATE .. GOOD! But then we come to the Padovani .. I guess he wants to win and then it will be hard for you .. no you do not want to win ... but my prediction is a fixed .. OTHERWISE YOU WILL BE THE BEST RESULTS IN THE AREA ... WITH A WALL PANIC.
SOURCE: E2% 80% A6odeino-2 /
big match one another. From Uopini Maltraverso in half an hour difference on the kick-off will challenge Padovani, and San Gimignano. Both veterans without a win by a round face each other in a delicate play off clash. The bodywork of Fazzuoli came out not too well the challenge with the Staggia and back to fifth place in the standings. Saturday saw what was still a great Padovani that he tried with all the strength to rebuild a game started badly. But the imprecision the skill of defenders and opponents have come fate so that a new defeat. Another collision on Saturday circle of red against another playoff contender in the area. What now seems to be missing at Padovani is a leader capable of guiding and stimulating companions, an element of charisma to lead the troops. All very good individuality seem to still play for own and have not yet tuned to the usual frequency. San Gimignano of Bisignano reach Maltraverso after a par with the St. Rocco that showed a step back after the great win against the USAP. The challenge to Padovani is a litmus test to see how are turreted and what their real condition of the form and strength. Bisignano set the usual defensive game with Pepi and Bazzani, in my opinion one of the best defensive pair in the championship, on the trail of bits guests. For the rest external low and then climb over time and probably the liveliness of fat in support of the duo Guarino-Edwards. Especially crucial for meeting the locals who want to and must continue to keep rivals at a safe distance. Behind Fomento, USAP and San Rocco are ready to jump on the prey if it begins to slow. Further advance of play off, maybe two completely different teams: the ruthlessness of the attack and Padovani against the concrete and grit of the Sangha. A Maltraverso be a battle.
Che grande match…peccato che vincerà sicuramente il padovani..Esito mi ho paura che voi ce la farete fitta ai play-off..tutti mi idcono che siete aRRIVATI..IO NON CI CREDO..Ma il Di Pasquale che ha combinato?? Lo sapete voi siete simpatici e anche amici..approposito detto il Funa che non è vero che ti aveva chiamato il Viko..eri te che l’hai chiamato piangendo..e gli dicevi: TI PREGO FUNA..FAMMI GIOCARE UN ANNO CON ODEINO..TI SCONGIURO..TI PAGO..!! Ringhio ringhio…solo l’ USAP ti ha te hai fatto bene a non in do Go to 'USAP .. anyway .. do not worry if you never let us vico .. I would be happy to Sangi .. to make the tunnel PLATE .. GOOD! But then we come to the Padovani .. I guess he wants to win and then it will be hard for you .. no you do not want to win ... but my prediction is a fixed .. OTHERWISE YOU WILL BE THE BEST RESULTS IN THE AREA ... WITH A WALL PANIC.
SOURCE: E2% 80% A6odeino-2 /
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
On And Off Kidney Stone Pain
San Gimignano - SAN ROCCO 0-0: Positive or negative?
NEGATIVE: How is zero to zero?
RESULT: It depends.
NEGATIVE: From what?
RESULT : Since so many things.
NEGATIVE: Like what?
RESULT: Well, how the match went, the level of your opponent, on the condition of your team, but especially in view of a regular-season depends on where your team has the first (and especially after) zero to zero.
N: Ah here's why you've waited a couple of days before writing the report cards. You wanted to see what they would do and USAP Fomenta?
E: honestly expect even Vico, Staggia, Padovani and Campiglia. I believe in the playoffs and it ends up that will also be very important position at the end of the championship. If you get 2 or 3 seems to be playing the quarter-final game at home ... you said nothing!
N: say? I will confirm it until the math does not continue to look back. It turns out that while you play the first 3 places, by dint of zero to zero t'inchiappettano good good and you end up rosicare the sixth step of the podium.
E: Apart from the fact that there is a podium with six steps! But then, you take over for being so pessimistic. You make me angry. We talk about the game away, you say? What is something you thought of this Sangimignano.
N: Caha I think has been done! The first twenty minutes I like living a nightmare, all around the field without art nor part, the three points that have both put Siena in the first minute crisis, Nencini was doing outside the third left hand was then moved to the right marker, Calebbo was often a meter below the line of markers rather than being two mere behind, but also government moved to save Pepi m'è in crisis seemed to mark Giannetti, I told you everything.
E: actually the first time was not much, especially in defense ...
N: WHAT? Especially in defense? But you saw that game sorry, we talk about the midfield? Panichi adapted midfielder I do not like, is one of the best players (in general) of the tournament and certainly my favorite defender in midfield but I lost the poem (The steak is bona, but if you eat soup for breakfast in the cappuccino is onconi. I do not know if it makes the idea), then did not take a fat ball. When they lack the space, and the opponents are the double of him, life is tough in the middle, especially if you are in equal numbers.
E: In midfield, we were a bit 'eh Pochini, we would have to consider. Two midfielders first band we played them there for an entire season, Pollina injured Caldini not at his best, Smith's return from holiday with thirty Margaritas advantage. Ciccio rose is limited ...
N: fact remains that it has put a ball on the ground and the sanrocco has literally eaten alive. In the second time something has changed with the arrival of Di Pasquale, but also to take him a red card in that way, I want to see if the end will give you enough.
E: And the three front? What do you say?
N: Edwards certainly did not tip, was to make the three-quartista but then the unexpected attitude of the guests almost forced him to take the winger. Often found in our area and in attack we have seen little. As for Ocean honestly hardly remember him. Balloons before they arrived we would miss a few but not enough to justify una prestazione da assente ingiustificato. Guarino invece bene, anzi benone. Tanta grinta, forza, determinazione, il ragazzo m’è piaciuto (a parte i capelli che non si posson vedere…)
E: Incredibile, un giudizio positivo…che è successo?
N: Senti fava, di giudizi positivi ce n’è un altro. Anche perché se tu avessi tenuto conto di tutti i giocatori che s’è nominato, invece di fare le battutine del cazzo ti saresti reso conto che non s’è parlato di Tambus Tamburello. E qui mi alzo in piedi, faccio un applauso e mi risiedo. Bravo! Bravo Tambus, l’unico abbondantemente sopra la sufficienza, l’unico ad attaccare e a difendere as they should, the only one to try to find the door though with little luck, it's about to be made.
The transcripts of Outcome and Negative:
Mannucci 5 +:
E: Negative , we has been done so far ... the "dumb". Has been said (or rather talked HAI) of all evil but he has not talked about us ...
N: Here we water. Let's face it if that's backpass Calebbo there passed between the legs had intercepted as they should, (had it not been for my step feline thanks to which I have removed an inch before the goal line is sarebbe fatto un figura mica da ridere!) e se tu avessi battuto almeno decentemente qualche rinvio da fondo campo; considerando la parata all’ultimo secondo ci saremmo meritati un 6, invece per me siamo da 4,5. Per te scommetto siamo da 6, facciamo una media e diamoci 5,25. Fattelo garbare.
E poi senti, da qui in poi le pagelle le fai te, io vo a cena. Almeno poi quardo il GF in piena digestione e fo du’ rutti più volentieri. Ah, l’ultima cosa. Qualsiasi voto deciderai, per chiunque, fai conto che io gli avrei dato mezzo voto meno. Minimo.
Pepi 6: Sulla carta avrebbe dovuto marcare Palermo ma dopo 30 secondi è chiaro che sarà Giannetti, schierato come prima punta, il suo uomo di riferimento. La partenza dell’intera retroguardia turrita è da brividi e anche CYBER finisce per risentirne. Molto meglio nel secondo tempo.
Bagni 5,5: La difesa adattata a tre marcatori con lui libero sembra metterlo in crisi nella prima frazione e Calebbo finisce per perdere le distanze e a chiamare la “salita” in momenti non troppo opportuni. Non è lucido come in altre occasioni e il retropassaggio suicida verso Mannucci può servire come testimonianza. Come tutta la difesa migliora nella seconda frazione nel corso della quale dimostra ben più intraprendenza e freddezza con un paio di chiusure delle sue.
Governa 6: Più calmo, preciso e tempestivo dei suoi compagni di reparto nei primi 40 minuti. The last 20 minutes of the race by passing them out loud in midfield in place of Tamburello but not as devastating as on other occasions.
Panichi 5: Deployed to make pair of midfield alongside Fats proves to be out of role, contrary to what happened, for example, in the game against the USAP. Hasty with the ball at his feet, does not affect the construction of the game and even during the ban and there are very few who managed to win balls in the head using his flying skills. When government goes back to midfield on its territory where he shows his true value.
Nencini 5: He should do the outside of a midfield four with little offensive but licenses After a few minutes vanish completely. A whole man marking the first time in highlighting the limits in defense "hard and pure." In the second half back on the band favors and productivity improves. A couple of attacks but little else.
Fat 4.5: Match to forget after the amazing performance of last Friday. Suffer physically the excessive power of the adversaries, not imposed reflecting the lack of space and lack of cooperation with panic and is essentially nil under interdiction. Bisignano replace it at half-time. Edwards
5.5: great spirit of sacrifice and determination in him to fill the role of external certainly not congenial. Log in in the field to make sure the three-quartista instead called repeatedly folding a tiring defense. Ineffective in attack throughout the first time he improves in the second half, when replaced in perhaps his finest hour.
Tamburello 7: I believe that Tambus excellent performance at half-time expresses in distress (eg strength, was the only one running), but for sixty minutes can be taken as an example to all comrades. All'USAP say it has never tried to pull, only he is trying at least four times ... two good saves excellent goalkeeper and a couple of conclusions in the second half to end the side. The spaces are on his side and he shows to do and "football sense." Leaves plenty of the match (sfinito!?!?) For about twenty minutes from the end.
Guarino 6.5: In the first half does what it can elbowing left and right and give the soul to carve out space and affect the match. Succeed is a difficult task because no balls playable even good intentions become ephemeral. In the second half goes more to maneuver to raise the team like a true striker with good movement, and controls the banks of the ball on the edge of jugglers.
Sea 4: Literally untouchable through the first time, runs empty and effort managing to get near the ball. For 40 minutes, as stated in the negative, this acts as AWOL, you can only see and hear in the dressing room just in words. Attitude to be reviewed in its entirety, it is in that field, especially outside.
Di Pasquale 3.5: Log between the first and the second time and maneuvering towers began to be more fluid and to follow a logical thread. The improved geometry although, considering its quality, there are still too many wrong steps. His performance, however, marred by a kick to an opponent's ball away and the resulting, clear and inevitable expulsion. Unjustifiable for an episode of his caliber. Often it is the character to make a difference. E 'was also the case Friday but not in the sense that all we wanted. We will see the extent of the ban and then we will understand if the effect of this expulsion will remain or not limited to the challenge with the San Rocco.
Bazzani 5.5: excellent on defense when he is the man attacked him. A bit 'when there is less space there is a need for clarity and precision. Error from beginner to wait for the bounce of the ball on a court opponent in more than one occasion he nearly puts a strain on the entire defense.
Rossi 6: Log in and you can see that the boy has the qualities, even if it is a bit 'too tanned and this sometimes does not go down well with opponents. Try setting but the most intriguing moment of his departure are those 5 minutes that never stops kicking his ankles to take the number five opponent, actually well below the minimum limit allowed antipaticità.
"puppet" Government 6.5; ten minutes for the last purchase of San Gimignano. The small "Hornet" to sell shows to have class, speed and bad racing. He moves well, puts a strain on the rear end goes to the host and calling the goalkeeper to save the match more difficult. (Those dell'USAP to have seen at least this shot ...?)
I finished, a embrace.
Not me: Leccatemelo.
NEGATIVE: How is zero to zero?
RESULT: It depends.
NEGATIVE: From what?
RESULT : Since so many things.
NEGATIVE: Like what?
RESULT: Well, how the match went, the level of your opponent, on the condition of your team, but especially in view of a regular-season depends on where your team has the first (and especially after) zero to zero.
N: Ah here's why you've waited a couple of days before writing the report cards. You wanted to see what they would do and USAP Fomenta?
E: honestly expect even Vico, Staggia, Padovani and Campiglia. I believe in the playoffs and it ends up that will also be very important position at the end of the championship. If you get 2 or 3 seems to be playing the quarter-final game at home ... you said nothing!
N: say? I will confirm it until the math does not continue to look back. It turns out that while you play the first 3 places, by dint of zero to zero t'inchiappettano good good and you end up rosicare the sixth step of the podium.
E: Apart from the fact that there is a podium with six steps! But then, you take over for being so pessimistic. You make me angry. We talk about the game away, you say? What is something you thought of this Sangimignano.
N: Caha I think has been done! The first twenty minutes I like living a nightmare, all around the field without art nor part, the three points that have both put Siena in the first minute crisis, Nencini was doing outside the third left hand was then moved to the right marker, Calebbo was often a meter below the line of markers rather than being two mere behind, but also government moved to save Pepi m'è in crisis seemed to mark Giannetti, I told you everything.
E: actually the first time was not much, especially in defense ...
N: WHAT? Especially in defense? But you saw that game sorry, we talk about the midfield? Panichi adapted midfielder I do not like, is one of the best players (in general) of the tournament and certainly my favorite defender in midfield but I lost the poem (The steak is bona, but if you eat soup for breakfast in the cappuccino is onconi. I do not know if it makes the idea), then did not take a fat ball. When they lack the space, and the opponents are the double of him, life is tough in the middle, especially if you are in equal numbers.
E: In midfield, we were a bit 'eh Pochini, we would have to consider. Two midfielders first band we played them there for an entire season, Pollina injured Caldini not at his best, Smith's return from holiday with thirty Margaritas advantage. Ciccio rose is limited ...
N: fact remains that it has put a ball on the ground and the sanrocco has literally eaten alive. In the second time something has changed with the arrival of Di Pasquale, but also to take him a red card in that way, I want to see if the end will give you enough.
E: And the three front? What do you say?
N: Edwards certainly did not tip, was to make the three-quartista but then the unexpected attitude of the guests almost forced him to take the winger. Often found in our area and in attack we have seen little. As for Ocean honestly hardly remember him. Balloons before they arrived we would miss a few but not enough to justify una prestazione da assente ingiustificato. Guarino invece bene, anzi benone. Tanta grinta, forza, determinazione, il ragazzo m’è piaciuto (a parte i capelli che non si posson vedere…)
E: Incredibile, un giudizio positivo…che è successo?
N: Senti fava, di giudizi positivi ce n’è un altro. Anche perché se tu avessi tenuto conto di tutti i giocatori che s’è nominato, invece di fare le battutine del cazzo ti saresti reso conto che non s’è parlato di Tambus Tamburello. E qui mi alzo in piedi, faccio un applauso e mi risiedo. Bravo! Bravo Tambus, l’unico abbondantemente sopra la sufficienza, l’unico ad attaccare e a difendere as they should, the only one to try to find the door though with little luck, it's about to be made.
The transcripts of Outcome and Negative:
Mannucci 5 +:
E: Negative , we has been done so far ... the "dumb". Has been said (or rather talked HAI) of all evil but he has not talked about us ...
N: Here we water. Let's face it if that's backpass Calebbo there passed between the legs had intercepted as they should, (had it not been for my step feline thanks to which I have removed an inch before the goal line is sarebbe fatto un figura mica da ridere!) e se tu avessi battuto almeno decentemente qualche rinvio da fondo campo; considerando la parata all’ultimo secondo ci saremmo meritati un 6, invece per me siamo da 4,5. Per te scommetto siamo da 6, facciamo una media e diamoci 5,25. Fattelo garbare.
E poi senti, da qui in poi le pagelle le fai te, io vo a cena. Almeno poi quardo il GF in piena digestione e fo du’ rutti più volentieri. Ah, l’ultima cosa. Qualsiasi voto deciderai, per chiunque, fai conto che io gli avrei dato mezzo voto meno. Minimo.
Pepi 6: Sulla carta avrebbe dovuto marcare Palermo ma dopo 30 secondi è chiaro che sarà Giannetti, schierato come prima punta, il suo uomo di riferimento. La partenza dell’intera retroguardia turrita è da brividi e anche CYBER finisce per risentirne. Molto meglio nel secondo tempo.
Bagni 5,5: La difesa adattata a tre marcatori con lui libero sembra metterlo in crisi nella prima frazione e Calebbo finisce per perdere le distanze e a chiamare la “salita” in momenti non troppo opportuni. Non è lucido come in altre occasioni e il retropassaggio suicida verso Mannucci può servire come testimonianza. Come tutta la difesa migliora nella seconda frazione nel corso della quale dimostra ben più intraprendenza e freddezza con un paio di chiusure delle sue.
Governa 6: Più calmo, preciso e tempestivo dei suoi compagni di reparto nei primi 40 minuti. The last 20 minutes of the race by passing them out loud in midfield in place of Tamburello but not as devastating as on other occasions.
Panichi 5: Deployed to make pair of midfield alongside Fats proves to be out of role, contrary to what happened, for example, in the game against the USAP. Hasty with the ball at his feet, does not affect the construction of the game and even during the ban and there are very few who managed to win balls in the head using his flying skills. When government goes back to midfield on its territory where he shows his true value.
Nencini 5: He should do the outside of a midfield four with little offensive but licenses After a few minutes vanish completely. A whole man marking the first time in highlighting the limits in defense "hard and pure." In the second half back on the band favors and productivity improves. A couple of attacks but little else.
Fat 4.5: Match to forget after the amazing performance of last Friday. Suffer physically the excessive power of the adversaries, not imposed reflecting the lack of space and lack of cooperation with panic and is essentially nil under interdiction. Bisignano replace it at half-time. Edwards
5.5: great spirit of sacrifice and determination in him to fill the role of external certainly not congenial. Log in in the field to make sure the three-quartista instead called repeatedly folding a tiring defense. Ineffective in attack throughout the first time he improves in the second half, when replaced in perhaps his finest hour.
Tamburello 7: I believe that Tambus excellent performance at half-time expresses in distress (eg strength, was the only one running), but for sixty minutes can be taken as an example to all comrades. All'USAP say it has never tried to pull, only he is trying at least four times ... two good saves excellent goalkeeper and a couple of conclusions in the second half to end the side. The spaces are on his side and he shows to do and "football sense." Leaves plenty of the match (sfinito!?!?) For about twenty minutes from the end.
Guarino 6.5: In the first half does what it can elbowing left and right and give the soul to carve out space and affect the match. Succeed is a difficult task because no balls playable even good intentions become ephemeral. In the second half goes more to maneuver to raise the team like a true striker with good movement, and controls the banks of the ball on the edge of jugglers.
Sea 4: Literally untouchable through the first time, runs empty and effort managing to get near the ball. For 40 minutes, as stated in the negative, this acts as AWOL, you can only see and hear in the dressing room just in words. Attitude to be reviewed in its entirety, it is in that field, especially outside.
Di Pasquale 3.5: Log between the first and the second time and maneuvering towers began to be more fluid and to follow a logical thread. The improved geometry although, considering its quality, there are still too many wrong steps. His performance, however, marred by a kick to an opponent's ball away and the resulting, clear and inevitable expulsion. Unjustifiable for an episode of his caliber. Often it is the character to make a difference. E 'was also the case Friday but not in the sense that all we wanted. We will see the extent of the ban and then we will understand if the effect of this expulsion will remain or not limited to the challenge with the San Rocco.
Bazzani 5.5: excellent on defense when he is the man attacked him. A bit 'when there is less space there is a need for clarity and precision. Error from beginner to wait for the bounce of the ball on a court opponent in more than one occasion he nearly puts a strain on the entire defense.
Rossi 6: Log in and you can see that the boy has the qualities, even if it is a bit 'too tanned and this sometimes does not go down well with opponents. Try setting but the most intriguing moment of his departure are those 5 minutes that never stops kicking his ankles to take the number five opponent, actually well below the minimum limit allowed antipaticità.
"puppet" Government 6.5; ten minutes for the last purchase of San Gimignano. The small "Hornet" to sell shows to have class, speed and bad racing. He moves well, puts a strain on the rear end goes to the host and calling the goalkeeper to save the match more difficult. (Those dell'USAP to have seen at least this shot ...?)
I finished, a embrace.
Not me: Leccatemelo.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
What Causes Undigested Food In Stool
What About Us
Turning to today's round advance to Friday between that of the saints in Belvedere. Gimignano against Rocco in a game that puts in front of two teams that are doing a great championship. I got rid dell'Usap towered with a 3-0, which revealed that practicality and experience so far kept hidden. The slightest error of yellow and blue was immediately punished by the men of Bisignano after a rocketing were already 2-0 up after ten minutes. Then after the race under control despite some risk scoring on the counterattack terminating hostilities. Guarino front here with that striker able to make money from every ball and put the crisis in host defense. Bisignano seems to have found the right chemistry and everyone is called into question always seems to know what to do and answer this. The San Rocco to 16 points is one of the three closest pursuers head of the quintet. But with the strong tail that runs not just look ahead but also occasionally turn back and make points to keep everyone at a safe distance. Palermo striker seems to have found the right way for the network and will be the number one threat to Bazzani and his companions. What is missing however is a greater focus dietro, dove troppo spesso si permette agli avversari di colpire. Con un San Rocco che negli ultimi periodi è sinonimo di reti, sia fatte sia subite, a Belvedere potrebbe essere spettacolo. I locali per mantenere le distanze e lasciare indietro una potenziale rivale, gli ospiti per provare a riaprire una corsa play off che ad ora appare già chiusa.
Turning to today's round advance to Friday between that of the saints in Belvedere. Gimignano against Rocco in a game that puts in front of two teams that are doing a great championship. I got rid dell'Usap towered with a 3-0, which revealed that practicality and experience so far kept hidden. The slightest error of yellow and blue was immediately punished by the men of Bisignano after a rocketing were already 2-0 up after ten minutes. Then after the race under control despite some risk scoring on the counterattack terminating hostilities. Guarino front here with that striker able to make money from every ball and put the crisis in host defense. Bisignano seems to have found the right chemistry and everyone is called into question always seems to know what to do and answer this. The San Rocco to 16 points is one of the three closest pursuers head of the quintet. But with the strong tail that runs not just look ahead but also occasionally turn back and make points to keep everyone at a safe distance. Palermo striker seems to have found the right way for the network and will be the number one threat to Bazzani and his companions. What is missing however is a greater focus dietro, dove troppo spesso si permette agli avversari di colpire. Con un San Rocco che negli ultimi periodi è sinonimo di reti, sia fatte sia subite, a Belvedere potrebbe essere spettacolo. I locali per mantenere le distanze e lasciare indietro una potenziale rivale, gli ospiti per provare a riaprire una corsa play off che ad ora appare già chiusa.
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