Monday, February 28, 2011

White Chunky Cervical

San Gimignano - FURNITURE Sacchini 1-1: Sangh dominates but equalized in the recovery

pity, really a great pity. A point lost, left the road down which many seem to see but which still has too many curves it is clearly visible on its end, the banner with the words scintillating playoffs. The victory, under the towers, you wait too long though and, five days after the end of the regular season, are still six points that separate the sixth ranked Sangiamatori is legitimate aim for the maximum results day after day without necessarily wait forward to the results Afternoon amateur. And victory Friday would be the Sangiamatori if deserved, no doubt. The game starts in the best way for the team of Bisignano. Rossi and Pollina appear in the day, government and Nencini dominate their respective segments of competence, requiring an external sacchiniani hard, and not always successful, defensive work. In defense Bazzani, Panichi and plaque do not seem to suffer much the trident proposed by Mr. Vitale. One problem for the towers, a huge problem when it comes to playing football, a morbid, disturbing, terrifying offensive inconclusive. The cross comes more often (especially from the right) but no one seems to be in the middle position, and bad timing to hurl the ball behind for a more secure Gambassi. When someone finally manages to finalize the action the result is far from satisfactory. The Sangi playing football, dribbling, running the ball well from the front of the other synthetic Belvedere but never pulls the door, the host team plays football for his part in the only way I've ever seen him play and preach shamelessly from a guru of the beautiful game as Vitale: The cannon of a goalkeeper can jump over more men looking for Cioffi pulling in leads always from every position. Despite the total lack of "football" by Sacchini know what it means to be smart, cute and nasty. Free-kick beautifully by Cioffi with a delicate lob over the barrier, defense towers in unpaid vacation, Rossi slips, and knocks stuffing out Mannucci. A terrific low blow for the locals. The nervousness also fueled by a raging race direction far from Mr undisputable. De Santis. In the changing room, between the first and the second time reigns in disbelief: we are losing, playing the better football but we are having now in a single shot on goal against a team that is not objectively binds us even shoes. The desire to continue with the forcing, however, means that even in the second half will see one team in the field. The Sangimignano attacks, bounce shots are in every way and manner, ball does not want to enter, Government shoots wide from 27 inches, Guarino touches the pole, a deviation of unfortunate Edwards (defender guest) finishes a few inches from the intersection of the poles ... bad luck seems to play a nasty blow to the turreted. The offensive rush, but when fruit is not easily exposed to counter-attack and it takes a couple of interventions (eh ... well this time) to keep the results of Mannucci on one to zero. Two minutes after the end is the same number 1 to lead the charge. There's a corner kick to beat, fat is already on the ball ... need everyone's help. Everyone in the area ... "the ball comes to a meter away from me, there is a mesh there ... the striking yellow, heads for the door, enter ... enter ... ... entraaaaaaaaaaa by cock! "

The transcripts of Outcome

Mannucci 6.5: innocent touches on the ball for goal conceded the entire first half stood at a distance to infertility offensive mates. Becomes crucial at the end with a couple of times you need to foil an attempted lob and a one on one from "the ball or removal action." Given the clarity and boldness with which it operates outside the box with his head and feet is reasonable to think that if you want you can put an end to the controversy Baths-Targa.
Targi 6: performs well for as long as the grants Bisignano. Some good action, very few smudges. In the second village goes to 4-4-2 with the central pair-Bazzani Panichi.
Panichi 6: Its task is to mark the rapid Orphans. Despite the slower can make absolutely sterile host the attacker using his technical skills and placement.
Bazzani 7: Cioffi gravity far from the port Mannucci ready to exploit the "assist" mileage Gambassi. Bazzani controls it to finishing duty to minimize the danger of the number 8 every time a guest is approaching the target. Ringhio for the mission was unique zero Cioffi. Sin that the markings can not be about who is fighting to bring the free-kicks.
Governa 7: First-time standing ovation. Ready in five minutes away and literally flies on the wing perfectly launched earlier by Rossi and then by Pollina. The cross is beautiful ... shame that away from me you do not repeat. In the second village the raids are limited abasement on the line of defenders and by the advance of labor.
Pollina 6.5 : Quiet, calm and ideas that are born and take shape as ever this season. If Rossi is the link between midfield and attack, Pollina is the metronome of the team: running the ball from one level to another timing and precision worthy of a true center-median-Methodist. Lacks a bit 'of malice, that stuff in the middle of the field (see Mr. Michele Rossi) made the difference.
Rossi 6.5: When the game is always materializes his paw. Its games are never trivial, sometimes ending with a loss of control of the ball but when they are realized are flashes of genius for the team. The first time you fail to score on a free-kick from him, buy you a drink.
Nencini 6: Match fully sufficient without sounding negative peaks or outputs. He like his fellow band "Pupi" often come at the bottom but no decision in the zampata finale verso il mezzo dell’area.
Pupi Governa 5,5: Prima volta dal primo minuto per il baby-Governa. Chiamato a giocare da punta esterna di sinistra non si vede granché nel primo tempo ma nel secondo ha sui piedi la palla del pareggio a 15 minuti dal termine con tutto il tempo per provare a ribaltare il punteggio del primo tempo. Nonostante la buona prestazione, come preannunciato, caro Pupi quel bove chianino che ti sei mangiato vale mezzo punto in meno.
Guarino 6: Si vede poco, pochissimo, nel primo tempo e se i cross che piovono nel mezzo all’area non vengono finalizzati buona parte della responsabilità è da attribuire alla punta centrale. Si salva nel migliore dei modi spedendo oltre la linea di porta l’ultimo pallone utile del match con un’incornata, stavolta, da vero numero 9.
Esposito 5,5: La volontà di far bene per se stesso, ma soprattutto per la squadra, è evidente, gli si legge in faccia ed è facilmente comprensibile dalle sue parole. La paura che però l’enorme voglia di tornare al gol sia diventata un’ossessione difficilmente gestibile inizia a prendere piede. Serve convinzione nelle proprie qualità e voglia di far ricredere tutti coloro che vedono in lui un arrosto troppo fumoso.

Grassi 6,5: Come promesso un buon voto per chi per 40 minuti ha proseguito il riscaldamento arando il rivestimento sintetico della fascia delle panchine e si è fato trovare pronto nel momento in cui è stato chiamato a dare il proprio contributo alla causa sangimignanese. Tra i pochi palloni toccati, inoltre, c’è quello calciato con l’ultimo calcio d’angolo del match, quello decisivo spinto da Guarino alle spalle di Gambassi.
Tamburello 5,5 : Entra ad inizio ripresa ma non incide granché in fase offensiva. Si può fare di più, soprattutto considerando le brillanti prestazioni esibite qualche settimana fa.
Caldini s.v.
Mare s.v.



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