Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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FOMENTO - San Gimignano 1-0: ... But the other signs that show when we play ... we (of a saw!)

Obviously, an hour in free time to write these fucking human transcripts ... I take this opportunity to inform anyone would propose as a journalist Sangiamatori official, and therefore also as an honorary pagellaro, that the entries are open. E 'request little objectivity in the trial, lack of knowledge of football and good will, trends to enhance the work of the goalkeepers and the basics of Italian.
That said, we speak well of the now remote part of Friday in this last of Torre Fiorentina. We speak well of the two matches, one might say. Showy than the first time and sadly that aired during the second game of village. For me, being stuck in traffic in Florence for the entire first half of the game-San Gimignano Campiglia the first leg, played against the Fostering and was the best "dribble" of the season, San Gimignano. I say "dribble" and not "football" as the second term refers to a sport that requires as a parameter on the "goal", which objectively under the towers, considering the recent performances, he manages very little. Some would be satisfied at least of "shots on goal" but in this case it is better to draw a veil, perhaps a better winter duvet. "Palleggiandisticamente" talking about nothing to say, just really want to applaud the play of Ross and Grassi, the dynamism of Caldini, the abdication of Bellini and Nencini, the ideas of government jr. and the spectacular defensive operations of the trio of the wonders Bazzani-Pepi-government. With fluid movements, articulate and well-played ball on the ground quickly and looks relatively easy to get to worry Ciofi Bellini is with that government. But while the first attempt from the edge of the small one is finished "Stellino" the second went through the whole area looking for someone who is ready to exploit it. This character is called "attacker" and was created to "mark" would be good to take note of its importance in the game of "football." When back in the locker room the consciousness of being the strongest is well rooted in the turreted head (maybe too much) but when the referee's whistle marks the beginning of the second half, BLACK-OUT! Not as flashy as Sacchini by Vico-Strove but a blackout, especially the interior of the destructive, so incomprehensible as deleterious. Suddenly, the perfect distance between the midfield behind the game the first time are lost. The "center of gravity" moves Caldini too fat anyway. Total anarchy tactic Rossi also can not help but to gradually get out of the maneuver. The inclusion of Mannini for Fomento and the fortuitous advantage undermined the brigade Bisignano. Nencini loses references and "barking at lost," Grassi leaves his place to come and play the ball on the edge of the defensive, grind Caldini compicciare miles without much, Pepi is found to be outside to do the marker. In the field there is only Fomento, a good start in taking advantage of physical counter-attack and positioning on the run from San Gimignano sterile slashes in search of the equalizer. The transcripts of


Mannucci sv: Would you otherwise, you? What would change if in my place, Friday, there was a pin? The result of the match would have changed? Avoid unnecessary speculations as well, the answer is NO. Zero shots on goal for the Promotion. A deflected free-kick from the edge from the face of Pepi in the portion covered by the barrier and the door opposite to the arrival of the original trajectory of the ball. That's done omelette. The perfect defense, goalkeeper excluded from an episode mocked.
Governa 7.5: impressive in the role of central defender in managing the entire defense and put the patches in the right place to save the Sangimignano during the first half. Personality as a veteran, a great physicality, posizionamento e cattiveria agonistica. Il futuro, sotto le torri, ha origini calabresi.
Pepi 7: Chiamato a marcare il più pericoloso degli avanti senesi mette sul campo l’ennesima prestazione sopra le righe limitando al minimo la pericolosità di Melis. La deviazione facciale che porta il vantaggio ai locali è da “oscar della sfiga” ma non scalfisce minimamente la sua prestazione.
N: Scusa esito ma intervengo, polemico come mio solito. Nonostante l’inserimento del quinto centrocampista ed il passaggio ad un attacco a due da parte degli uomini di Lapini, rimane attaccato a Melis fino alla morte, meglio così certo ma loro diminuisco le punte e noi perdiamo un esterno?? Questo fatto, infatti, oblige him to leave his original role as San Gimignano and the defense is in disarray, and consequently also the midfield like it or not, the attack. Food for thought.
Bazzani 5.5: For heaven's sake performance of the first half was by applause as that of all his colleagues, but yet another error to let the ball bounce on the edge of the final result of compromises match, since immediately after the "failure" is committed the foul that led to the winning goal for the Promotion. Dear Mark, do not take it for my wickedness, indeed excessive. I just want to highlight the first error as defensive end with the entire team lose. Questi errori valgono tanto, è risaputo. Certo, varrebbero un po’ meno se si fosse in grado di ambire a qualcosa di più di uno zero a zero…
Nencini 6: Primo tempo da 7, seconda frazione da insufficienza tonda tonda. Alla voglia di spaccare il mondo quando si propone e la lucidità nell’impostazione del primo tempo si contrappone la sterilità e l’insipidità del secondo. L’ingresso di Mannini lo manda fuori giri dal 41’ all’80’.
Caldini 6 : Bene, benissimo nel primo tempo. Male nel secondo, come tutta la squadra. Non vorrei essere impopolare nel giudicare la trottola turrita ma mentre mi sento di applaudire la sua voglia di mettersi a disposizione team running madly behind anyone in any part of the field, on the other I can not criticize the same attitude. The first time he ran less and "compicciato" more, in the second (and the unpopularity click here ...) and ran (not only for its faults but at least the entire department) enough.
Rossi 5.5: A great first time order, class and geometries. In the latter disappears from the game literally endanger the operation of San Gimignano and putting an end to the hopes of "goals and wanted to built" men of Bisignano.
Fat 5.5: E: See the proceedings of Rossi and add reflection made per Caldini. Primo tempo perfetto, secondo tempo da dimenticare, a mio avviso per la troppa voglia di strafare. Per 40 minuti abbiamo dominato, giocando palla a terra e tenendo bene le posizioni, perché cambiare atteggiamento, posizione e basi della manovra? La sparizione del centrocampo non può essere dovuta alle sole mosse di Lapini, non può essere.
N: Altro argomento di riflessione.
Bellini A. 6 : Applausi per la grinta e la volontà espressi in campo. Peccato che con le buone intenzioni non si vincano le partite. Si propone bene nel primo tempo finché i polmoni gli danno una mano ma getta la vento un’occasione d’oro in un modo che non possiamo permetterci. Unica attenuante, il fatto che gli sia happened on the wrong foot.
Pupi Governa 5.5: I hope it's a clear concept. Amateurs are not bowling you jump easily with a simple sketch of dribbling. Incazzosissimi are players who can not wait to kick the ankles of those who are strutting around with the ball at his feet. When the bravado adds concreteness becomes dangerous weapon at the disposal of Bisignano, when he thinks to be the best, fastest and strongest of all is simply an exterior that does not cover.
Sea 5: Never a ball stopped within a yard in the first time and often out of position to put into practice on the pressing local game makers. Nel secondo tempo gli capita sui piedi la palla del pareggio ma calcia male su Ciofi. Vale per lui la stessa attenuante di Bellini. Sangi batte fomenta: DUE ATTENUANTI a ZERO.

Esposito e Bruni, s.v.



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