APD San \u200b\u200bGimignano - USAP 3-0 by Roy Keane
Il crocevia della stagione passa dalla fredda serata di Belvedere. Ospite di turno l'USAP, 6 ° posto in classifica con storia e tradizione dalla sua parte. Partita di vitale importanza per i ragazzi di Bisignano che, dopo gli ultimi altalenanti risultati, hanno l'occasione di staccare definitivamente una delle più accanite rivali per i play-off. Il Sangi entra in campo con la bava alla bocca e, trascinato dalla sensazionale verve di Luca Grassi, si trova sul 2 a 0 dopo soli 10 minuti di partita. L'1 a 0 nasce dallo scambio rapido su calcio d'angolo tra Esposito e Grassi: Luca crossa al centro e Guarino completamente solo insacca di testa. Qualche minuto dopo altro calcio d'angolo di Grassi, batti e ribatti in area e palla scaraventata in rete da Panichi. Il colpo è terribile e i ragazzi di Mister Francini non sembrano in grado di riportarsi sotto; gli unici che sembrano crederci veramente sono Panti e Tafuro. Il capitano ospite fa tremare la traversa su una delle sue significant punishment while the department tries to mate every time the ball comes against this government but there is little to do. The first half ends with a 2 to 0 on which there is little else to add. The recovery begins with the guests who try to reopen the game, but the evening of fats and around the San Gimignano is one of those to be framed and, perhaps in the best time of Poggibonsesi dragged by newcomer Burresi, Grassi invents an assist from soccer manual Guarino on which cross-bred striker and blows around the fort of San Gimignano. Play-off
closer. Play-off what is now among the top 5? We hope so ...
BRUNI 7 pretty sure the outputs. Suffers a terrible blow that without goalkeepers on the bench and more than half game to play in makes Mr. Bisignano. Suffers noticeably in the second half but he held a series of postponements that we had not even seen it done by healthy. Scab
PLATE 7.5 The culmination of a season in the role that suits him best. Details of any closure. Elegant. Excellent management of the ball in a few difficult situations. Help perfectly mates demonstrating coolness department to sell. Pretty
BAZZANI Game 7 without smudging. The umpteenth undeserved reprimand him nerves but everything falls readily to normal. Sutomore dangerous with his head. A nightmare for any opponent, a dream for every pharmacist .... EXCITED
GOVERNING 7.5 Deployed different role in the 14th of the season against one of the worst that customers could understand. Marker for a man on Tafuri, in one word: perfect! Triumphs at the derby between "Junior" and probably will pass a bad weekend to the use of the accountant Bazzani. SENTINEL
NENCINI 7 The incredible amount of playable balls coming in this evening with a view to make it 1:00 to 2:00 with valuable and varied cross. It beats a million throw-ins without his comrades can never understand it. Rory Delap
Caldine 7 Yet another game played with gritted teeth. This time the usual fighting spirit joins an annoying pain in the knee. None of it and my comments about him are now redundant. All matches are the same. Quantity and character for the team. BEAST
PANIC 7 The other multi-team (captain-marker-free-central-midfielder-striker) deployed to run the team does a great impression on the evening of grace around the midfield San Gimignano. Killer in front of goal and punish-marks the USAP network after ten minutes put the game down. IDOL
FAT 8 After the first training of ex-Puntillo (it was last April if I remember correctly) my friend Andrea Guarino sent me this text message: "Oh Valter but has the leg fat?". After last night I must say that it has two feet, and feet!! Layer. 3 assists. Change my game and throwing deep also has his eyes behind his head. The man of the match. FANTASTIC
TAMBURELLO After 7 on Tuesday devoted to International Relations (By the way, congratulations!) Is presented on Thursday just in time to convince the coach to field on the right wing. It looks impressive, helped also by the perfection of all his colleagues. Has a charge of racing thrills and also has the merit to earn a penalty denied having seen from his apartment in Siena. THE DOCTOR
GUARINO 7.5 all'USAP and I had not scored in his first decides to Bis. On time on the first goal, the diagonal of the deadly 3 to 0 to close the game and definitely increases the value of the result. More than double the usual 150,000 fouls that sustained wind damage to the team. KILLER (tonight)
ESPOSITO 7.5 Ohhhhhhhhhhh!! Back to him, the press like a madman, one-two to one thousand per hour, discharges, endless technical, towards the end of the match discards two defenders into the area and stretching the ball a meter ... Too bad, would be the goal of the year. In a couple of occasions held the ball too but who cares. Ball and chain is the strongest. LAVEZZI
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Prism Tv 7 Inch Review
What they say about us: Find us a
We start then depends on our USAP has found victory on Saturday and try to find the right continuity groped for returning to race for the playoffs. No denying that the race tonight's become of enormous importance because the front of San Gimignano you will find that one of the rivals who take a place in the playoffs. For Francini, disqualified, the infirmary has no intention of moving onto the emptied and performers who will be in the field to kick off there will be considerable scope for choice and could recur in all modern training victorious on Saturday unless some output to place within the two Bakers and Fontanelli Saturday disqualified. The difference will be even with the uncertainty of the form defense and in front of three or four depending on who is in the field and see whether the trident will be clean or obliterated. Tafuro networks and Panti could be a turning point for both the beginning and be positive after a period of some fogging. Bisignano mainly the other side will take care not to take them home and would be happy to punticino that would take away their rivals and would put a nice stone in playoffs. Last Saturday we saw a perched behind Sangi and a pair Bazzani-Pepi appeared insurmountable. Just rely on them towered the ambitions of which are well aware that if you do not get scoring points as they arrive. Guarino before it's up to create havoc in the defense and see Gialloblu chi avrà al suo fianco o leggermente dietro. All’andata fu un 2-1 in extremis con il gol di Bazzani a decidere una gara equilibrata e piena di emozioni. Farà freddo sulle tribune di Belvedere ma nel mezzo al campo si giocano punti caldissimi che nessuno vorrà perdere.
SUPER ANTICIPO STASERA A BELVEDERE…Caro amico principe e caro amico Casamonti..mi discpiace per l’ennesimo pronostico sfavorevole..ma per noi voi siete la 6° forza del campionato…e dato che le prime 5 fanno i play OFF..io spero che vu perda cosi…noi it remains to PLAY OFF ... .. this is just to see him hurt .. so Result whether the bomber Tafuri and pull PANTA .. I think most probably they can make a goal .. but the Sangha is a great team .. but above all a large group .. or else they would not be topping the charts ... It will be a good match .. I predict a network of BENCINI .. after a two-Thin .. Chiti and Panta Leo Sollazzo .. .. that runs under the curve to Carletto Mazzone .. .. Rocchetta Mariano with the Messiah who will give a good report card in 10 .. and RING THE WALL PANIC BAZZI fit it all .. .. and that your everything is more fully dell'USAP
SOURCE : http://vikinghi.altervista.org/2011/01/28/la-schedina-secondo% E2% 80% A6odeino /
We start then depends on our USAP has found victory on Saturday and try to find the right continuity groped for returning to race for the playoffs. No denying that the race tonight's become of enormous importance because the front of San Gimignano you will find that one of the rivals who take a place in the playoffs. For Francini, disqualified, the infirmary has no intention of moving onto the emptied and performers who will be in the field to kick off there will be considerable scope for choice and could recur in all modern training victorious on Saturday unless some output to place within the two Bakers and Fontanelli Saturday disqualified. The difference will be even with the uncertainty of the form defense and in front of three or four depending on who is in the field and see whether the trident will be clean or obliterated. Tafuro networks and Panti could be a turning point for both the beginning and be positive after a period of some fogging. Bisignano mainly the other side will take care not to take them home and would be happy to punticino that would take away their rivals and would put a nice stone in playoffs. Last Saturday we saw a perched behind Sangi and a pair Bazzani-Pepi appeared insurmountable. Just rely on them towered the ambitions of which are well aware that if you do not get scoring points as they arrive. Guarino before it's up to create havoc in the defense and see Gialloblu chi avrà al suo fianco o leggermente dietro. All’andata fu un 2-1 in extremis con il gol di Bazzani a decidere una gara equilibrata e piena di emozioni. Farà freddo sulle tribune di Belvedere ma nel mezzo al campo si giocano punti caldissimi che nessuno vorrà perdere.
SUPER ANTICIPO STASERA A BELVEDERE…Caro amico principe e caro amico Casamonti..mi discpiace per l’ennesimo pronostico sfavorevole..ma per noi voi siete la 6° forza del campionato…e dato che le prime 5 fanno i play OFF..io spero che vu perda cosi…noi it remains to PLAY OFF ... .. this is just to see him hurt .. so Result whether the bomber Tafuri and pull PANTA .. I think most probably they can make a goal .. but the Sangha is a great team .. but above all a large group .. or else they would not be topping the charts ... It will be a good match .. I predict a network of BENCINI .. after a two-Thin .. Chiti and Panta Leo Sollazzo .. .. that runs under the curve to Carletto Mazzone .. .. Rocchetta Mariano with the Messiah who will give a good report card in 10 .. and RING THE WALL PANIC BAZZI fit it all .. .. and that your everything is more fully dell'USAP
SOURCE : http://vikinghi.altervista.org/2011/01/28/la-schedina-secondo% E2% 80% A6odeino /
Monday, January 24, 2011
Tech Deck Virtual Skatepark
an identity Staggia - APD San \u200b\u200bGimignano 0-0 by Roy Keane
the City Staggia the scene is the big match of the day among the local black-green and the San Gimignano of Mr. Bisignano looking for a speedy redemption after the debacle of Monteroni. The bitter cold and the teams extensively reworked, in addition to the general public practically non-existent at the beginning of the game, suggest a friendly winter in which the teams will try not to hurt each other. The "must have" is almost as much as a victory and 2 points in the championship with the top 5 in class seems to have taken off, you begin to think of administering the benefit. Torque for the unprecedented attack Staggia Gaziano with Bruno and that seek to weaken host defense made the grim panic and led by Bazzani Targi return. Stella guarded by the two "neo-midfielders" Aldinucci and Tamburello usual Guarino leaving the task to pick the team and look for offensive sorties. The game runs through the cold and boredom with the goalkeepers dormant throughout the race where the only time a goal worthy of note are the hand of Staggia (rightly canceled), a non-Aldinucci shot from the edge of the area and, perhaps' at potentially sharper, a counterattack of Caldini that after stealing the ball at mid field flies to the door but could not finish strongly. A point that moves the head table, not to leave anyone unhappy unchanged the ambitions of the two teams play-off and well-organized individual with excellent, many of which were not present due to Staggia extracalcistici.
BRUNI 6 inactive throughout the game, some good outlet and nothing more. Enough for the naturalness with which he is not freezing to death in cold Staggia. Angelo Peruzzi
BAZZANI Experience 6 to sell. It takes a warning in the only occasion in his life where he does not hit the ball I opponent. Can not lose your head and this does him honor. Billy Costacurta
PANIC 6 is not the best. The leg pain but no respite from the clenches his teeth without missing almost nothing. Ends the voice and the wind howling behind all’arbitro. ALESSANDRO GAMBERINI
TARGI 6 Partita dai ritmi blandi, guida i due Super-marcatori con il talento e l’esperienza che cresce ad ogni partita. Questa volta è stato facile. FRANCO BARESI
CALDINI 6,5 Ennesima corsa endurance portata a termine. Prova anche a contrastare il suo vecchio idolo Samuele Stella sui colpi di testa. E’ in testa alla maratona di New York quando l’ossigeno al cervello viene a mancare e gli occhi si chiudono (chiaro riferimento alla palla rubata a metà campo con successiva corsa verso la porta avversaria). Ci prova sempre. CRISTIAN BROCCHI
POLLINA 5,5 Al rientro dopo qualche acciacco si trova di fronte un’istituzione del calcio amatoriale di San Gimignano e forse tutto questo lo intimorisce un po’. Elevato da Mr. Bisignano a faro di centrocampo stenta un po’ a trovare la posizione ma termina la partita svolgendo il proprio compitino. Viste le molte assenze nella zona nevralgica del campo ci aspettiamo di più. RICCARDO MONTOLIVO
NENCINI 6 Stiramenti, infortuni, faltrek infiniti, contratture, 100 salite in 10 minuti, scatti, giri di campo. Rientra in gruppo dopo tutto questo (molte persone non fanno in una vita quello che ha fatto lui in un allenamento) e si trova di fronte un brutto cliente come Shemsho. Titti (lo chiamo così per evitare la ripetizione) non è mai pericoloso ed il merito sarà pure del buon Nencio. FABIO GROSSO
GOVERNA 5,5 Dopo le ultime brilliant performance is expected to puncture the umpteenth time that the Hornet does not. The 3-4-2-1 engages in both phases, and also because the game just delivered by the team, do not see much. Walk to remember after the previous days spent by King Midas. Cristian Chivu
TAMBURELLO 5.5 The task defensive star on the limits a bit 'in his offensive game and Matthew never comes to shooting. Stronger when he feels free to attack without human control tasks opponent. A small step back for him. BEPPE SCULL
Aldinucci 5.5 Good technical and tactical utility. Starts pretty well but falls after the middle of the first half. Watch out for Stella but very incisive ball in the only goal capitatagli that can not even shoot. Raffaele Palladino
GUARINO barrel takes 6 minutes from start to finish. Only in the good undergoes attack marking Verdi. He can take some foul and pick up the team. Alberto Gilardino
the City Staggia the scene is the big match of the day among the local black-green and the San Gimignano of Mr. Bisignano looking for a speedy redemption after the debacle of Monteroni. The bitter cold and the teams extensively reworked, in addition to the general public practically non-existent at the beginning of the game, suggest a friendly winter in which the teams will try not to hurt each other. The "must have" is almost as much as a victory and 2 points in the championship with the top 5 in class seems to have taken off, you begin to think of administering the benefit. Torque for the unprecedented attack Staggia Gaziano with Bruno and that seek to weaken host defense made the grim panic and led by Bazzani Targi return. Stella guarded by the two "neo-midfielders" Aldinucci and Tamburello usual Guarino leaving the task to pick the team and look for offensive sorties. The game runs through the cold and boredom with the goalkeepers dormant throughout the race where the only time a goal worthy of note are the hand of Staggia (rightly canceled), a non-Aldinucci shot from the edge of the area and, perhaps' at potentially sharper, a counterattack of Caldini that after stealing the ball at mid field flies to the door but could not finish strongly. A point that moves the head table, not to leave anyone unhappy unchanged the ambitions of the two teams play-off and well-organized individual with excellent, many of which were not present due to Staggia extracalcistici.
BRUNI 6 inactive throughout the game, some good outlet and nothing more. Enough for the naturalness with which he is not freezing to death in cold Staggia. Angelo Peruzzi
BAZZANI Experience 6 to sell. It takes a warning in the only occasion in his life where he does not hit the ball I opponent. Can not lose your head and this does him honor. Billy Costacurta
PANIC 6 is not the best. The leg pain but no respite from the clenches his teeth without missing almost nothing. Ends the voice and the wind howling behind all’arbitro. ALESSANDRO GAMBERINI
TARGI 6 Partita dai ritmi blandi, guida i due Super-marcatori con il talento e l’esperienza che cresce ad ogni partita. Questa volta è stato facile. FRANCO BARESI
CALDINI 6,5 Ennesima corsa endurance portata a termine. Prova anche a contrastare il suo vecchio idolo Samuele Stella sui colpi di testa. E’ in testa alla maratona di New York quando l’ossigeno al cervello viene a mancare e gli occhi si chiudono (chiaro riferimento alla palla rubata a metà campo con successiva corsa verso la porta avversaria). Ci prova sempre. CRISTIAN BROCCHI
POLLINA 5,5 Al rientro dopo qualche acciacco si trova di fronte un’istituzione del calcio amatoriale di San Gimignano e forse tutto questo lo intimorisce un po’. Elevato da Mr. Bisignano a faro di centrocampo stenta un po’ a trovare la posizione ma termina la partita svolgendo il proprio compitino. Viste le molte assenze nella zona nevralgica del campo ci aspettiamo di più. RICCARDO MONTOLIVO
NENCINI 6 Stiramenti, infortuni, faltrek infiniti, contratture, 100 salite in 10 minuti, scatti, giri di campo. Rientra in gruppo dopo tutto questo (molte persone non fanno in una vita quello che ha fatto lui in un allenamento) e si trova di fronte un brutto cliente come Shemsho. Titti (lo chiamo così per evitare la ripetizione) non è mai pericoloso ed il merito sarà pure del buon Nencio. FABIO GROSSO
GOVERNA 5,5 Dopo le ultime brilliant performance is expected to puncture the umpteenth time that the Hornet does not. The 3-4-2-1 engages in both phases, and also because the game just delivered by the team, do not see much. Walk to remember after the previous days spent by King Midas. Cristian Chivu
TAMBURELLO 5.5 The task defensive star on the limits a bit 'in his offensive game and Matthew never comes to shooting. Stronger when he feels free to attack without human control tasks opponent. A small step back for him. BEPPE SCULL
Aldinucci 5.5 Good technical and tactical utility. Starts pretty well but falls after the middle of the first half. Watch out for Stella but very incisive ball in the only goal capitatagli that can not even shoot. Raffaele Palladino
GUARINO barrel takes 6 minutes from start to finish. Only in the good undergoes attack marking Verdi. He can take some foul and pick up the team. Alberto Gilardino
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Where To Watch English Premier In Phoenix?
What others say: Charges too many lines for the big match? "
I think these two teams know a bit gay .. because from what I understand the Staggia wins all the resistant and Sangi .. .
but I was told that the Sangh has made a point of preparing a little too much weight is shown by the results ... .. while Staggia preferred to overeat and have fun during the holidays ... so we will For the brightest ...
figlior prodigal MARIANI MARIANI .. back home ... .. I were you I would play in sangimignano .. but who makes you do go 2 times a week to train in Staggia
RESULT ... but ... I guess in the last two weeks has made some duck .. then .. it will take a super NUMBER PLATE NENCINI version MAICON .. to make up for the poor outcome (in fact I said just now that you're on a tropical beach ... fuck two ducks in a row and then leave ... so good ... I promise you that if tomorrow's game as I played with the sea Campiglia I'm going too)
am proud to have lost the challenge of a bathrobe with a legend as panic .. because I can wear the tunic with a ease prehistoric thing to me .. I can not! Di Pasquale
do not know if I will play ... and then is nice too .. so BAZZANI RINGO X but as I say .. you got typhoid in San Gimignano!
SOURCE: http://vikinghi.altervista.org/2011/01/21/la-schedina-secondoodeino-5/
But the big match of the day will be the one to Staggia between San Gimignano and the premises. Conforti's team is back from two lucky as valuable victories against USAP and the neroverdi Gracciano leading to a lone second place and increases the advantage over the others. With seven points of margin on the sixth, you can even begin to think of administering the advantage and sometimes think that if i did not go two points one can very well go the same. It was this philosophy Staggia seen to Barberino, covered with a super team and dedicated to defend than to propose leaving the task to hurt only at the tips and Mariani Corti. And when goals do not take each episode can become important and give yourself two points. Arriving in the Sangi Staggia after the bitter defeat of Monteroni showing the troops on the ground of Bisignano. Too much security and the conviction of being stronger than whatever did a very bad joke to which towered took the lead after they virtually stopped playing. From there a monologue that revealed Monteroni i limiti di un Sangi apparso lontano parente di quello visto in passato. Ma come spesso si dice è dalle sconfitte che si impara e per il futuro, il ko di Monteroni potrebbe essere salutare. Bisignano in settimana avrà lavorato sulle gambe ma anche sulla testa dei suoi facendo capire che solo dando il massimo arriveranno i risultati. Con i play off che al momento sono realtà e che a nostro avviso difficilmente scapperanno c’è tempo per lavorare e riprendere. Potrebbe essere questo un succoso antipasto di quello che vedremo a fine anno, con due squadre chiuse e consapevoli che chi sbaglia paga carissimo e che un solo gol può essere decisivo e far pendere l’ago della bilancia da una parte o dell’altra. Dubito fortemente che qualcuno rischi something and I dare too much and is liable to try to offend. The match of the great grudge against the former from their past San Gimignano: the symbols of the old against the new in a contest between the last two generations of football in the towers that could end with no winners and losers.
SOURCE: http://www.usap-poggibonsi.it/articoli.php?id=658&tipo=news
I think these two teams know a bit gay .. because from what I understand the Staggia wins all the resistant and Sangi .. .
but I was told that the Sangh has made a point of preparing a little too much weight is shown by the results ... .. while Staggia preferred to overeat and have fun during the holidays ... so we will For the brightest ...
figlior prodigal MARIANI MARIANI .. back home ... .. I were you I would play in sangimignano .. but who makes you do go 2 times a week to train in Staggia
RESULT ... but ... I guess in the last two weeks has made some duck .. then .. it will take a super NUMBER PLATE NENCINI version MAICON .. to make up for the poor outcome (in fact I said just now that you're on a tropical beach ... fuck two ducks in a row and then leave ... so good ... I promise you that if tomorrow's game as I played with the sea Campiglia I'm going too)
am proud to have lost the challenge of a bathrobe with a legend as panic .. because I can wear the tunic with a ease prehistoric thing to me .. I can not! Di Pasquale
do not know if I will play ... and then is nice too .. so BAZZANI RINGO X but as I say .. you got typhoid in San Gimignano!
SOURCE: http://vikinghi.altervista.org/2011/01/21/la-schedina-secondoodeino-5/
But the big match of the day will be the one to Staggia between San Gimignano and the premises. Conforti's team is back from two lucky as valuable victories against USAP and the neroverdi Gracciano leading to a lone second place and increases the advantage over the others. With seven points of margin on the sixth, you can even begin to think of administering the advantage and sometimes think that if i did not go two points one can very well go the same. It was this philosophy Staggia seen to Barberino, covered with a super team and dedicated to defend than to propose leaving the task to hurt only at the tips and Mariani Corti. And when goals do not take each episode can become important and give yourself two points. Arriving in the Sangi Staggia after the bitter defeat of Monteroni showing the troops on the ground of Bisignano. Too much security and the conviction of being stronger than whatever did a very bad joke to which towered took the lead after they virtually stopped playing. From there a monologue that revealed Monteroni i limiti di un Sangi apparso lontano parente di quello visto in passato. Ma come spesso si dice è dalle sconfitte che si impara e per il futuro, il ko di Monteroni potrebbe essere salutare. Bisignano in settimana avrà lavorato sulle gambe ma anche sulla testa dei suoi facendo capire che solo dando il massimo arriveranno i risultati. Con i play off che al momento sono realtà e che a nostro avviso difficilmente scapperanno c’è tempo per lavorare e riprendere. Potrebbe essere questo un succoso antipasto di quello che vedremo a fine anno, con due squadre chiuse e consapevoli che chi sbaglia paga carissimo e che un solo gol può essere decisivo e far pendere l’ago della bilancia da una parte o dell’altra. Dubito fortemente che qualcuno rischi something and I dare too much and is liable to try to offend. The match of the great grudge against the former from their past San Gimignano: the symbols of the old against the new in a contest between the last two generations of football in the towers that could end with no winners and losers.
SOURCE: http://www.usap-poggibonsi.it/articoli.php?id=658&tipo=news
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
How Many People Does A 14' Jon Boat Hold
"The Wall" Wins Sondazzo
Sondazzo closed and win for "The Wall" in the safe.
"Odeino" that had left an hour accumulator at 100 votes out of votes for quell'accappatoio that according to rumors Maionchi when Mara was with Morgan in the dressing room getting ready X Factor.Ma to panic as the best Italian table to urge and started to chew, to eat up the points by winning so Sondazzo.
of bathrobe year it will be made a pack that the team won the championship for the usual photo indossererà!!
"The Wall" PANIC
32 (59%)
"Odeino" Of
22 (40%)
Sondazzo closed and win for "The Wall" in the safe.
"Odeino" that had left an hour accumulator at 100 votes out of votes for quell'accappatoio that according to rumors Maionchi when Mara was with Morgan in the dressing room getting ready X Factor.Ma to panic as the best Italian table to urge and started to chew, to eat up the points by winning so Sondazzo.
of bathrobe year it will be made a pack that the team won the championship for the usual photo indossererà!!
"The Wall" PANIC
32 (59%)
"Odeino" Of
22 (40%)
Fema Trailer For Sale
MONTERONI - APD sangimignano 3-2 by Roy Keane
Saturday, 15/01/2011. A date to be imprinted in the minds of those looking for strength and conviction with access to the playoffs. Land and heavy legs can not be sure an alibi for second in the standings that after 10 minutes, is in the lead with the legs of the usual Government. Game down? Of course not! This is the end of the game and started Sangiamatori sensational show of strength of the opponent's turn to the penultimate in the standings, play ball on the ground and shatters every aspirations of the team of Bisignano. The first half ends with a liar 1 to 1, draw the local net from the penalty spot, but the deficit for the yellow-blue could be much heavier ... Ready away, it starts from where we left off, according to both net and stringency for Monteroni Fanti signature double the staff from the eleven meters demonstrating coolness to spare. The opportunities are all for the team of Val d'Arbia which is the 3 to 1 with raid Central Simi closing the game. The Sangimignano is the third to second with a masterful Guarino's header from a corner kick in injury time but the outcome does not make it a good idea of \u200b\u200ba game that never was and a team that, while the penultimate in the standings, at times seemed to Real Madrid.
BRUNI innocent on 6 goals, can only assist the defeat of their team
bathrooms 4 Day to forget, two penalties and sacrosanct that overturn match result, the physical condition to be reviewed. It 's the true stand of Alexis, one of the best free sample, even the best make mistakes ...
PANIC 4.5 Other alter-ego of phenomenal player that all know, legs from first to last minutes. You anticipate the first penalty caused by fellow department.
BAZZANI 4.5 settles on the level of fellow department. Opponents come from all parties, but we expect more from the Rottweiler who had gagged him ahead of Vico. Solita
governments 7 game full stroke in both phases of the game. It 's his time the first ball hit into the area and first goal. It ends by making yet another marker confirmed its quality and look great.
Caldine 5 Grit for sale but this time, poor results. It is not even a day for him.
PLATE 5 Outside part in the great role with a shot that would have been the goal of the year. Then he disappears into the labyrinth of the midfield controlled the game from the opponent.
OF EASTER 5 Off condition, never sought by fellow department.
has never been able to exploit their own weapons.
TAMBURELLO 5 A step back compared to previous appearances. We hope it is not due to a fulfillment that at this point of the season just does not fit. SEA 5
few balls dirty, can not protect the ball and picking up the team. Pay the physical deficit. Back
GUARINO 5.5 after influenza who had knocked. Andrea is not the usual but try to serve the team by simple game. Cala in the second half. Has the virtue of never giving up.
Saturday, 15/01/2011. A date to be imprinted in the minds of those looking for strength and conviction with access to the playoffs. Land and heavy legs can not be sure an alibi for second in the standings that after 10 minutes, is in the lead with the legs of the usual Government. Game down? Of course not! This is the end of the game and started Sangiamatori sensational show of strength of the opponent's turn to the penultimate in the standings, play ball on the ground and shatters every aspirations of the team of Bisignano. The first half ends with a liar 1 to 1, draw the local net from the penalty spot, but the deficit for the yellow-blue could be much heavier ... Ready away, it starts from where we left off, according to both net and stringency for Monteroni Fanti signature double the staff from the eleven meters demonstrating coolness to spare. The opportunities are all for the team of Val d'Arbia which is the 3 to 1 with raid Central Simi closing the game. The Sangimignano is the third to second with a masterful Guarino's header from a corner kick in injury time but the outcome does not make it a good idea of \u200b\u200ba game that never was and a team that, while the penultimate in the standings, at times seemed to Real Madrid.
BRUNI innocent on 6 goals, can only assist the defeat of their team
bathrooms 4 Day to forget, two penalties and sacrosanct that overturn match result, the physical condition to be reviewed. It 's the true stand of Alexis, one of the best free sample, even the best make mistakes ...
PANIC 4.5 Other alter-ego of phenomenal player that all know, legs from first to last minutes. You anticipate the first penalty caused by fellow department.
BAZZANI 4.5 settles on the level of fellow department. Opponents come from all parties, but we expect more from the Rottweiler who had gagged him ahead of Vico. Solita
governments 7 game full stroke in both phases of the game. It 's his time the first ball hit into the area and first goal. It ends by making yet another marker confirmed its quality and look great.
Caldine 5 Grit for sale but this time, poor results. It is not even a day for him.
PLATE 5 Outside part in the great role with a shot that would have been the goal of the year. Then he disappears into the labyrinth of the midfield controlled the game from the opponent.
OF EASTER 5 Off condition, never sought by fellow department.
has never been able to exploit their own weapons.
TAMBURELLO 5 A step back compared to previous appearances. We hope it is not due to a fulfillment that at this point of the season just does not fit. SEA 5
few balls dirty, can not protect the ball and picking up the team. Pay the physical deficit. Back
GUARINO 5.5 after influenza who had knocked. Andrea is not the usual but try to serve the team by simple game. Cala in the second half. Has the virtue of never giving up.
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