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We start then depends on our USAP has found victory on Saturday and try to find the right continuity groped for returning to race for the playoffs. No denying that the race tonight's become of enormous importance because the front of San Gimignano you will find that one of the rivals who take a place in the playoffs. For Francini, disqualified, the infirmary has no intention of moving onto the emptied and performers who will be in the field to kick off there will be considerable scope for choice and could recur in all modern training victorious on Saturday unless some output to place within the two Bakers and Fontanelli Saturday disqualified. The difference will be even with the uncertainty of the form defense and in front of three or four depending on who is in the field and see whether the trident will be clean or obliterated. Tafuro networks and Panti could be a turning point for both the beginning and be positive after a period of some fogging. Bisignano mainly the other side will take care not to take them home and would be happy to punticino that would take away their rivals and would put a nice stone in playoffs. Last Saturday we saw a perched behind Sangi and a pair Bazzani-Pepi appeared insurmountable. Just rely on them towered the ambitions of which are well aware that if you do not get scoring points as they arrive. Guarino before it's up to create havoc in the defense and see Gialloblu chi avrà al suo fianco o leggermente dietro. All’andata fu un 2-1 in extremis con il gol di Bazzani a decidere una gara equilibrata e piena di emozioni. Farà freddo sulle tribune di Belvedere ma nel mezzo al campo si giocano punti caldissimi che nessuno vorrà perdere.
SUPER ANTICIPO STASERA A BELVEDERE…Caro amico principe e caro amico Casamonti..mi discpiace per l’ennesimo pronostico sfavorevole..ma per noi voi siete la 6° forza del campionato…e dato che le prime 5 fanno i play OFF..io spero che vu perda cosi…noi it remains to PLAY OFF ... .. this is just to see him hurt .. so Result whether the bomber Tafuri and pull PANTA .. I think most probably they can make a goal .. but the Sangha is a great team .. but above all a large group .. or else they would not be topping the charts ... It will be a good match .. I predict a network of BENCINI .. after a two-Thin .. Chiti and Panta Leo Sollazzo .. .. that runs under the curve to Carletto Mazzone .. .. Rocchetta Mariano with the Messiah who will give a good report card in 10 .. and RING THE WALL PANIC BAZZI fit it all .. .. and that your everything is more fully dell'USAP
SOURCE : http://vikinghi.altervista.org/2011/01/28/la-schedina-secondo% E2% 80% A6odeino /
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