Monday, January 24, 2011

Tech Deck Virtual Skatepark

an identity Staggia - APD San \u200b\u200bGimignano 0-0 by Roy Keane

the City Staggia the scene is the big match of the day among the local black-green and the San Gimignano of Mr. Bisignano looking for a speedy redemption after the debacle of Monteroni. The bitter cold and the teams extensively reworked, in addition to the general public practically non-existent at the beginning of the game, suggest a friendly winter in which the teams will try not to hurt each other. The "must have" is almost as much as a victory and 2 points in the championship with the top 5 in class seems to have taken off, you begin to think of administering the benefit. Torque for the unprecedented attack Staggia Gaziano with Bruno and that seek to weaken host defense made the grim panic and led by Bazzani Targi return. Stella guarded by the two "neo-midfielders" Aldinucci and Tamburello usual Guarino leaving the task to pick the team and look for offensive sorties. The game runs through the cold and boredom with the goalkeepers dormant throughout the race where the only time a goal worthy of note are the hand of Staggia (rightly canceled), a non-Aldinucci shot from the edge of the area and, perhaps' at potentially sharper, a counterattack of Caldini that after stealing the ball at mid field flies to the door but could not finish strongly. A point that moves the head table, not to leave anyone unhappy unchanged the ambitions of the two teams play-off and well-organized individual with excellent, many of which were not present due to Staggia extracalcistici.

BRUNI 6 inactive throughout the game, some good outlet and nothing more. Enough for the naturalness with which he is not freezing to death in cold Staggia. Angelo Peruzzi

BAZZANI Experience 6 to sell. It takes a warning in the only occasion in his life where he does not hit the ball I opponent. Can not lose your head and this does him honor. Billy Costacurta

PANIC 6 is not the best. The leg pain but no respite from the clenches his teeth without missing almost nothing. Ends the voice and the wind howling behind all’arbitro. ALESSANDRO GAMBERINI

TARGI 6 Partita dai ritmi blandi, guida i due Super-marcatori con il talento e l’esperienza che cresce ad ogni partita. Questa volta è stato facile. FRANCO BARESI

CALDINI 6,5 Ennesima corsa endurance portata a termine. Prova anche a contrastare il suo vecchio idolo Samuele Stella sui colpi di testa. E’ in testa alla maratona di New York quando l’ossigeno al cervello viene a mancare e gli occhi si chiudono (chiaro riferimento alla palla rubata a metà campo con successiva corsa verso la porta avversaria). Ci prova sempre. CRISTIAN BROCCHI

POLLINA 5,5 Al rientro dopo qualche acciacco si trova di fronte un’istituzione del calcio amatoriale di San Gimignano e forse tutto questo lo intimorisce un po’. Elevato da Mr. Bisignano a faro di centrocampo stenta un po’ a trovare la posizione ma termina la partita svolgendo il proprio compitino. Viste le molte assenze nella zona nevralgica del campo ci aspettiamo di più. RICCARDO MONTOLIVO

NENCINI 6 Stiramenti, infortuni, faltrek infiniti, contratture, 100 salite in 10 minuti, scatti, giri di campo. Rientra in gruppo dopo tutto questo (molte persone non fanno in una vita quello che ha fatto lui in un allenamento) e si trova di fronte un brutto cliente come Shemsho. Titti (lo chiamo così per evitare la ripetizione) non è mai pericoloso ed il merito sarà pure del buon Nencio. FABIO GROSSO

GOVERNA 5,5 Dopo le ultime brilliant performance is expected to puncture the umpteenth time that the Hornet does not. The 3-4-2-1 engages in both phases, and also because the game just delivered by the team, do not see much. Walk to remember after the previous days spent by King Midas. Cristian Chivu

TAMBURELLO 5.5 The task defensive star on the limits a bit 'in his offensive game and Matthew never comes to shooting. Stronger when he feels free to attack without human control tasks opponent. A small step back for him. BEPPE SCULL

Aldinucci 5.5 Good technical and tactical utility. Starts pretty well but falls after the middle of the first half. Watch out for Stella but very incisive ball in the only goal capitatagli that can not even shoot. Raffaele Palladino

GUARINO barrel takes 6 minutes from start to finish. Only in the good undergoes attack marking Verdi. He can take some foul and pick up the team. Alberto Gilardino


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