Thursday, December 10, 2009

Best Time To Find Shark Teeth In Topsail

Pedophilia, the Irish bishops by the Pope tomorrow Verification zero tolerance (Izzo, monument)

See also:

The Pope's vigorous fight against pedophilia in the clergy: the "case Ireland "

Diplomatic relations between Holy See and Russia. Over a thousand years of mutual consideration (Alexei Judin)

Pope Ambassador of Cuba: "I hope that they continue to multiply the concrete signs of opening to the exercise of religious freedom, as has happened in recent years, for example, the possibility of celebrating Mass in some prisons, the holding of religious processions, restoration and return of a few temples and the construction of religious houses, or to rely on Social Security by priests and religious. So the Catholic community will more easily for such a task pastoral (Address)

A white blackbird in the gardens of the Pope The animal captured by the camera of one of the secretaries of Benedict XVI (Osservatore Romano)

I vescovi irlandesi chiedono perdono per gli abusi sessuali. Domani ricevuti dal Papa (Izzo)

Il Papa: Se Dio sparisce, l’umanità rischia di distruggere se stessa (AsiaNews)

Sulla polemica tra la Lega e Tettamanzi è stato detto troppo ma non tutto (Fonte). Una riflessione "a freddo"

Lettera del Papa al card. Bagnasco: "Dio, questione centrale per la nostra epoca" (Sir)

Il Papa a Sulmona il 4 luglio per l'ottavo centenario della nascita di Celestino V (Civitareale)

CEI Conference on the "God question." Cardinal Ruini: Italy more Christian than what the media says (Radio Vaticana)

Cuba, the Pope, the embargo still hurts, but relations with the U.S. improve. Implement religious freedom by allowing more churches (Izzo)

The Pope Cardinal. Bagnasco: "The question of God is central to our age, which often tends to reduce ' man to a single dimension, the horizontal one, considering irrelevant to his life open to the Transcendent " (Letter)

The contribution of Catholics to the development of the company at the center of the Pope with President of Gabon (Vatican Radio)

Ireland: mea culpa of bishops on abuse, meeting with the Pope tomorrow (Bandini)

curia in Milan is a Professor who works for hybridization with Islam (Meotti)

Benedict XVI Cuban ambassador: progress in the field of religious freedom in Cuba. The thaw with the U.S. a chance for progress (RV)

The conference on "God today. With him or without him, everything changes": the special "Il Foglio"

Handbook for priests Vatican-star. "Remember, you are not priests tronista of TV" (Gale)

Pedophilia, the Irish bishops apologize. Voices of the resignation of some prelates after meeting with the Pope

Tomorrow the Irish bishops by the Pope to inform him about the abuse by some priests. Meeting desired by Benedict XVI himself (Sir)

pressures of Pope Ratzinger to promote a "joint development" (article of Accattoli)

Report "New editions of liturgical books for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (1962)

Pope's Address at the English Steps, quick comparison between the directors of RAI networks against sensationalism (Reuters)

Appeal of the Pope on the Convention against landmines (Osservatore Romano via Zenit)

a world of intolerance: the rampant Christianophobia (Geninazzi)

Pope's Address at the English Steps: a commentary by Charles Brown

To reduce the global warming there are those who think family planning (Gianfranco Amato)

"rebellion, division, dissent, insult, anarchy." The Pope recalled the twenty-five years after conviction of "liberation theology" (Introvigne)

Pope: "In the city they live - or survive - invisible people, who occasionally jump on the front page or on television, and are exploited to the last, until the news image attract attention. It 's a perverse mechanism, which unfortunately is hard to resist. The city first hide and then exposes to the public. No mercy, pity or false . Instead, there is in every man's desire be accepted as a person and considered a sacred reality, because every human history is a sacred story, and demands the greatest respect " (act of veneration to Mary Immaculate)

The words of the Pope and the difficulty of look for the common good (Aldo Grasso)

Pope Ratzinger among the top-20 of Foreign Policy (Missionline)

Islam, Cardinal. Bertone Al Jazeera: A wish for peace and quiet and fraternal coexistence for all (Reuters)

The Pope hearing "God's kindness and patience toward sinful man" (Izzo)

receive with great pleasure and gratitude publish this beautiful comment by Salvatore Izzo makes the situation perfectly with extensive reference to sources and documents:


(AGI) - Vatican, Dec. 10

(Salvatore Izzo)

Three years after a clear call to change course in the repression of the phenomenon of child sexual abuse and the recent publication of the Ryan Report on these facts, Benedict XVI meets with bishops of Ireland from tomorrow He called for an audit on their work.
The sexual abuse children is always a "terrible crime", but these cases "are even more 'tragic when to abuse and' a man of the Church": these words were that the Pope had used 28 October 2006 to invoke tolerance zero "by the Irish bishops.
"The wounds caused by such acts - he added - work in depth 'and is' urgently rebuild confidence and security,' where they have been damaged." If you do not take appropriate measures, he added, "the excellent work and dedication of the vast majority of priests and religious in Ireland will eventually be obscured by the transgressions of some of their brothers."
Pope Ratzinger, had asked in particular to bishops "to establish what actually happened in the past, and take all measures to ensure that 'such cases do not happen again."
and "ensure that the principles of justice are fully respected" compensating "all those who have been affected by this grave crime." "Only in this way - it was the conclusion - the Church in Ireland will be able to 'grow' stronger and be even more 'capable of giving witness to the redemptive power of Christ's cross." In fact, in other realities '- especially in the U.S., where the Pope in 2008 took a memorable trip - is paying the hard line built by Joseph Ratzinger already' Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith sconfiggere il triste fenomeno dei preti pedofili.
Dalla pubblicazione delle nuove norme (2001), nel mondo i nuovi delitti sono stati molto di meno rispetto agli anni precedenti, come dimostra uno studio del "John Jay College" che rileva il "declino notevolissimo" dei casi denunciati a partire dai primi anni 2000 .
L'opinione pubblica non se ne e' accorta perche' continuano a far notizia i processi in corso.
Per Benedetto XVI, come ha detto proprio ai vescovi dell'Irlanda, questo e' un "tempo di purificazione" da quella "sporcizia" da lui denunciata nella drammatica " Via Crucis " del venerdi' santo 2005, e che e' fatta dai "molti casi, che feriscono the heart of child sexual abuse, particularly tragic when the abuser and 'a priest. "
On this ground the German Pope and' very strict and demanding, more 'than his predecessor John Paul II, so that did not hesitate also the ax to fall on powerful men of the Church hitherto considered untouchable .
and Ed 'was just Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, to codify the line of "zero tolerance " in full agreement with the Summit the American bishops met in Rome by Pope John Paul II. the document to the bishops of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith " De delictis gravioribus ", which defined the guidelines of the motu proprio with which John Paul II strengthen 'the former Holy Office in deciding on cases of violence and harassment, it said "not only help prevent a crime as' serious, but also with the necessary sanctions to protect the sanctity' of the priesthood ".

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