Pope at Sulmona July 4 for the eighth centenary of the birth of Celestine V (Civitareale)
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The Pope at Sulmona July 4
The announcement of the historic visit by the bishop as Spina
Anna Civitareale
SULMONA. July 4, 2010. It will be a historic day for Sulmona. Pope Benedict XVI will be in town in the eighth centenary of St. Peter Celestine. The official announcement stato dato ieri dal vescovo Spina nel corso della celebrazione eucaristica nella cattedrale di San Panfilo. Un annuncio arrivato nel giorno della Concezione, un giorno di immensa gioia cristiana per i fedeli della diocesi, che hanno risposto con un lungo applauso. Sarà la terza visita del Santo Padre in Abruzzo.
L’ANNUNCIO . «Carissimi fratelli e sorelle, oggi, solennità dell’Immacolata Concezione della Beata Vergine Maria, con cuore commosso e gioia grande sono lieto di annunciare all’intera diocesi di Sulmona-Valva e alla Regione ecclesiastica abruzzese-molisana che, domenica 4 luglio 2010, il santo padre Benedetto XVI, a seguito dell’invito da me rivoltogli con lettera del 26 ottobre 2009, ordered to visit Sulmona in the eighth centenary of St. Peter Celestine. " Those simple words with which the Bishop Angelo Spina, just before the homily, made the announcement to the faithful. In 2010, the Pope will make three more trips to Italy. It will also be in Turin (May 2), Carpineto Romano (September 5) and Palermo (October 3).
PROGRAM . The details of the visit of Ratzinger, the third in Abruzzo, is to define, but you already know that the only stop will be in Sulmona. It will stop at the Basilica of San Panfilo where venerate the relics of St. Peter Celestine. The chapel opened last September, at the opening of the pilgrimage of the remains of Pope Celestine V in the dioceses of Abruzzo and Molise are indeed stored some items that belonged to the saint (the sandals, the clothes, the hair shirt, the shoes worn by the pope and the tibial and, especially, a small part of the heart, donated to the Bishop of Sulmona Ferentino in 1906). The same heart that the pope blessed on September 30 when 2,500 faithful of the diocese were in Sulmona-Valva hearing in Rome. After a rest in the cathedral, the pope will celebrate Mass and recite, worldwide, the Angelus in Piazza Garibaldi.
THE CALL. The news of the pope came to the bishop plug two days ago. "The other day, 'he said to the lto prelate, "I got a call from the Prefecture pontificates that informed me that the pope had accepted the invitation and would come into town on July 4th and I could make the announcement at the diocesan community on the day of the Immaculate Conception. This visit is a great gift for us, but also a source of great responsibility to welcome among us, with the conversion of the heart, the successor of Peter. "
JUBILEE YEAR. The rapprochement between the Diocese of Sulmona-Valva and the Pope has come this year, on the occasion of the jubilee year. "On 18 August was the brother of the pope in Sulmona, Georg Ratzinger," recalled the bishop, "then we are the ones to visit the pope. Ccasione in that year, I told the Holy Father who was waiting Sulmona. Then, last October 26, for the sake I wanted to write a letter to officially invite him, but with a faint hope, aware of its many commitments. Instead, the other day came the news of his visit, reason for hope for the whole country ".
DON MAURIZIO . After the ceremony yesterday, during which we celebrated the baptism of the small Ilaria, the daughter of Councillor Joseph Ranalli and his wife Claudia, the parish priest of San Panfilo, Don Maurizio Buzzelli, on behalf of all priests and all the faith community has expressed his gratitude to the bishop. "The visit of the pope is reason for hope," said the priest, "for this area is going through a difficult economic and employment."
Copyright © The Center, December 9, 2009 also available online here .
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