Pedophilia, the Irish bishops apologize. Voices of the resignation of some prelates after meeting with the Pope
See also:
The Pope's vigorous fight against pedophilia in the clergy as "the Irish case"
Tomorrow Bishops irlandesi dal Papa per informarlo sugli abusi di alcuni sacerdoti. Incontro voluto da Benedetto XVI in persona (Sir)
Le pressioni di Papa Ratzinger per favorire uno «sviluppo solidale» (bellissimo articolo di Accattoli)
Segnalazione "Nuove Edizioni dei Libri Liturgici per la Forma Straordinaria del Rito Romano (1962)
Discorso del Papa in Piazza di Spagna, presto confronto fra direttori delle reti Rai contro il sensazionalismo (Asca)
Appello del Papa sulla Convenzione contro le mine antipersona (Osservatore Romano via Zenit)
a world of intolerance: the rampant Christianophobia (Geninazzi)
Pope's Address at the English Steps: a commentary by Charles Brown
To reduce the global warming is those who think family planning (Gianfranco Amato)
Benedict XVI: Jesus can meet all (Zenit)
Letter of Chinese clergy: they live during the "transition" between China and the Vatican (Radio Vaticana)
"rebellion, division, dissent, insult, anarchy." Il Papa ricorda i venticinque anni dalla condanna della «teologia della liberazione» (Introvigne)
Discorso del Papa in Piazza di Spagna, Marco Tarquinio: "Troppo spesso gonfiano le notizie con gli estrogeni"
Discorso del Papa in Piazza di Spagna: il commento di Giovanni Maria Vian
Il Papa: "Nella città vivono – o sopravvivono – persone invisibili, che ogni tanto balzano in prima pagina o sui teleschermi, e vengono sfruttate fino all’ultimo, finché la notizia e l’immagine attirano l’attenzione. E’ un meccanismo perverso, al quale purtroppo it is hard to resist. The city first and then hides exposes to the public. No mercy, or a false piety. Instead, there is in every man's desire to be accepted as a person and considered a sacred reality, because all human history is a sacred story, and demands the greatest respect " (act of veneration to Mary Immaculate)
The words of the Pope and the difficulty of seeking the common good (Aldo Grasso)
Pope Ratzinger among the top-20 of Foreign Policy (Missionline)
Year Priests, letter from the card. Hummes Priests: prayer, "food essential, "the priest
Pope's Address at the English Steps: the comment of Prof. Mario Morcellini (Vatican Radio)
Islam, Cardinal. Bertone Al Jazeera: A wish for peace and peaceful coexistence and solidarity for all (Reuters)
The Pope at the hearing: "God's kindness and patience toward sinful man" (Izzo)
The Pope's General Audience: The Petrine ministry is a guarantee of fidelity to sound doctrine. In the Eucharist Christ is "truly present" (RV)
Il Papa: L’origine del male è nell’uomo stesso e nell’uso sbagliato della libertà (Sir)
Il Papa: "Anche oggi esiste il pericolo di ridimensionare il realismo eucaristico, considerare, cioè, l’Eucaristia quasi come solo un rito di comunione, di socializzazione, dimenticando troppo facilmente che nell’Eucaristia è presente realmente Cristo risorto - con il suo corpo risorto - il quale si mette nelle nostre mani per tirarci fuori da noi stessi, incorporarci nel suo corpo immortale e guidarci così alla vita nuova" (Catechesis)
Calling the Pope to the media and the reception (Old)
Pope's Address at the English Steps: The comment by Giacomo Galeazzi
Massimo Gramellini comments the Pope's speech: Good difficult (La Stampa)
Pope's speech, self-criticism of the directors: "just looking" (Bruzzone)
Lucia Annunziata says the words of Pope: necessary evil (La Stampa)
good slam on the front page: Gianni Riotta comments the words of Pope
Six cardinals retired. Bertone rather stay and try to redo the curia (Rodari)
Giuliano Ferrara: Because you can criticize without malice Tettamanzi (Il Foglio)
Amicone to Tettamanzi: Solidarity trivial tired, true to Milan there. There is a strong idea of \u200b\u200bChrist and live, instead (Il Foglio)
Pope's Address at the English Steps: The comment by Salvatore Izzo
The Irish bishops apologize
For the scandal of pedophile priests
DUBLIN - The synod of bishops in Ireland has a public apology yesterday for a series of acts of pedophilia which have been responsible for some priests and the attempted cover-up scandal put in place by the top clerics in Dublin.
"We bishops apologize to those who have suffered abuse by priests when they were kids, their families and all those who, rightly, if they are offended," he said in a statement issued during the Synod of winter, will conclude today.
"We are shocked not only to the extent of the abuse as they are related in a relationship, we also feel ashamed in front of attempts to cover-up implemented by the Archbishop of Dublin ", the document adds. "The desire to avoid scandal and protect the reputation of members of the Church has prevailed over the safety and welfare of children, this would never have happened and should not happen again and we humbly ask your pardon," the statement continued.
The position comes two days before the summit convened at the Vatican by Pope Benedict XVI which will also be attended by Cardinal Sean Brady, president of the Irish Bishops' Conference and Archbishop of Dublin.
After the meeting on Friday, according to unconfirmed press reports, some Irish bishops would resign later allo scandalo venuto alla luce alla fine dello scorso mese.
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