Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Something Like Jibjab But Free

pressures of Pope Ratzinger to promote a "joint development" (article of Accattoli)

See also:

Report "New editions of liturgical books for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (1962)

Speech the Pope in the Piazza di Spagna, early confrontation between the directors of RAI networks against sensationalism (Reuters)

Appeal of the Pope on the Convention against landmines (Osservatore Romano via Zenit)

A world of 'intolerance: the rampant Christianophobia (Geninazzi)

Pope's Address at the English Steps: a commentary by Charles Brown

To reduce the global warming there are those who think family planning (Gianfranco Amato)

Benedict XVI: all can meet Jesus (Zenit)

Letter of Chinese clergy: they live during the "transition" between China and the Vatican (Vatican Radio)

"rebellion, division, dissent, insult, anarchy." The Pope recalled the twenty-five years after conviction of "liberation theology" (Introvigne)

Papal Address at the English Steps, Mark Tarquinio: "Too often inflate the news with estrogen"

Pope's Address at the English Steps: a commentary by Giovanni Maria Vian

The Pope: "In the city they live - or survive - invisible people, who occasionally jump on the front page or on television, and are exploited to the last, until the news image attract attention. It 's a perverse mechanism, which unfortunately is hard to resist. The city first hide and then exposes to the public. No mercy, or a false piety. There invece in ogni uomo il desiderio di essere accolto come persona e considerato una realtà sacra, perché ogni storia umana è una storia sacra, e richiede il più grande rispetto" (Atto di Venerazione alla Madonna Immacolata)

Le parole del Papa e la difficoltà di cercare il bene comune (Aldo Grasso)

Papa Ratzinger tra i top-20 di Foreign Policy (Missionline)

Anno Sacerdotale, lettera del card. Hummes ai Presbiteri: la preghiera, “cibo essenziale” del sacerdote

Discorso del Papa in Piazza di Spagna: il commento del Prof. Mario Morcellini (Radio Vaticana)

Islam, il card. Bertone ad Al Jazeera: Un augurio di pace e di serena e solidale convivenza per tutti (Asca)

Il Papa all'udienza: "pazienza e benevolenza di Dio verso l'uomo peccatore" (Izzo)

Il Papa all’udienza generale: il ministero petrino è garanzia di fedeltà alla sana dottrina. Nell'Eucaristia Cristo è "realmente presente" (R.V.)


Il Papa: L’origine del male è nell’uomo stesso e nell’uso sbagliato della libertà (Sir)

Il Papa: "Anche oggi esiste il pericolo di ridimensionare il realismo eucaristico, considerare, cioè, l’Eucaristia quasi come solo un rito di comunione, di socializzazione, dimenticando troppo facilmente che nell’Eucaristia è presente realmente Cristo risorto - con il suo corpo risorto - il quale si mette nelle nostre mani per tirarci fuori da noi stessi, incorporarci nel suo corpo immortale e guidarci così alla vita nuova" (Catechesi)

Richiamo del Papa ai media ed all'accoglienza (Old)

Pope's Address at the English Steps: The comment by Giacomo Galeazzi

Gramellini Massimo commented on the Pope's speech: Good difficult (La Stampa)

Speech Pope's self-criticism of the directors: "just looking" (Bruzzone)

Lucia Annunziata says the Pope's words: The necessary evil (La Stampa)

good slam on the front page: Gianni Riotta comment on the Pope's words

Six cardinals retired. Bertone and instead remains try to redo the curia (Rodari)

Giuliano Ferrara: Because you can criticize without malice Tettamanzi (Il Foglio)

Amicone to Tettamanzi: Solidarity trivial tired, that's true in Milan . There is a strong idea of \u200b\u200bChrist and live, instead (Il Foglio)

Pope's Address at the English Steps: The comment by Salvatore Izzo

on reporting Eufemia read:

pressures Ratzinger to foster a "joint development"

Pope defends la Terra, il «capolavoro di Dio»

La vocazione «ecologista» della Chiesa non è di ieri: al vertice ci sarà anche una delegazione del Vaticano

di Luigi Accattoli

Domenica il Papa si è appellato al vertice di Copenhagen perché decida iniziative «rispettose della creazione e promotrici di uno sviluppo solidale». La «salvaguardia del Creato – ha detto ancora con un’espressione sorta un trentennio addietro in ambienti ecumenici tedeschi – postula l’adozione di stili di vita sobri e responsabili, soprattutto verso i poveri e le generazioni future».
Abbiamo un Papa ecologo che insiste sul rispetto Created by the poor play of even getting - on this issue - both inside and outside the Church.
Once, while he so shy from any leading role, came to act as a promoter of a Catholic-Christian movement: "I invite you to pray and work with me for a greater respect for the wonders of God's creation" ( September 5, 2007 ).
the need to promote "responsible stewardship of nature" is Caritas in Veritate encyclical published last July. In
it lists the "environmental protection" among the reasons that should convince humanity to give life to a "political authority World "with supranational powers.
perhaps the strongest words he had used speaking to a gathering of young people in Loreto, 2 September 2007: "Before it's too late, it is necessary to make courageous decisions that can recreate a strong alliance between man and the earth. "
In the same month, on a visit to Velletri , said that "the logic of profit, if it prevails, increases the disparity between rich and poor, as well as a ruinous exploitation of the planet."
attention - truly unique - the pope has affected the ecology of the Holy See's diplomatic activity, which will be in Copenhagen with a delegation led by the observer standing at the UN, Archbishop Celestino Migliore.
to support the work we will - out of the rooms of the Conference - the bishops and representatives of Catholic aid agencies from 25 countries, who have promised to "lay siege" peacefully summit to invoke a "climate justice." There is also a wide membership throughout the Catholic world, the campaign Ringing Bell (Bell) given by the Danish Council of Churches and supported by the World Ecumenical Council: next Sunday, when the Conference will be half of its timetable, 15 (Copenhagen time) members of the Churches ring their bells to solicit concrete decisions on the entire planet.
To understand in detail the position of the Pope, should be mentioned supported the Vatican's Secretary for Relations with States, Pietro Parolin, speaking at the United Nations 24 September 2007 on the "challenge of climate change." He presented the Vatican's position as a third way between radical environmentalism and the denial of the ecological problem and urged the adoption of a "coordinated policy strategy, agile and efficient, able to cope with such a complex issue," to assume responsibility for 'economic costs' that the 'negative consequences of climate change' could download on the shoulders of "Poor nations." The focus of ecology is not new in the preaching papal Pope Wojtyla had already proclaimed Francis of Assisi "patron saint of ecology" (1979) and had discussed the topic several times, coming in Centesimus Annus (1991) to affirm the concept of "human ecology" (paragraph 38).
The subject of human ecology was developed by Pope Ratzinger, who also spoke last encyclical.
In a message dated 1 May 2007 to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences argued that it "requires a responsible relationship not only with creation but also with our prossimo, vicino e lontano, nello spazio e nel tempo, e con il Creatore».
Colpisce l’insistenza sull’ecologia da parte di un papa tanto schivo dal fare suoi i temi agitati nelle piazze e sui media. A fondamento della sua passione c’è sicuramente l’intenzione di dare voce al desiderio di acqua e di aria pulita da parte delle componenti più povere e semplici dell’umanità contemporanea, che non si vedono in alcun modo rappresentate dall’ecologismo ideologico. Ma credo vi siano anche ragioni culturali che lo motivano personalmente.
Il movimento ecologico è nato in Germania e questo fatto già è provocante per il Papa tedesco. Si tratta inoltre di una tematica che permette un recupero di motivazioni Biblical and Christian (like the Franciscans) able to repel the attacks ecologism radical Jewish-Christian tradition.
He finally felt the need for the Christian preaching does not ignore the ecological question which asks the question on the relationship between man, the cosmos and history. In what is out of a concern that you do not forget fourth and higher protagonist of the play: that God
"If God is missing - said Nov. 9 in a message to the Italian bishops - no compass to find the way to go. "

Copyright © Liberal, December 9, 2009


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