A white blackbird in the gardens of the Pope The animal captured by the camera of one of the secretaries of Benedict XVI (Osservatore Romano)
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A white blackbird in the garden of Pope
of Francis M. Valiante
Had listened to Blackbird White, Pinocchio today would be another. Maybe an elderly gentleman retired after an honest life spent among family and work. Little or nothing to tell their grandchildren: a childhood in a quiet, carefree, never marinated a day of school, always stay away from trouble and out of trouble. Only the strange memory of a long wooden nose, a legacy of old childhood nightmares soon vanished.
And to say that the warning of volatile did not lack common sense: "Do not listen - had shouted - to the advice of bad companions if not, you'll be sorry." Carlo Collodi noticed the pen had made him encounter on their journey that led to the puppet theater's house Geppetto. Lifeline midway between the fall and redemption. But there was nothing to do. Even so hesitant to buy off the conscience of Pinocchio already had thought of the Cats, who was reckless with a jump on the bird devoured in one gulp before he could utter another.
Let's face it: no child would ever think to regret the poor pet. Who can imagine a fairy tale of the adventures of the puppet as an orphan famoso del mondo? Destino ingrato, quello del giudizioso volatile. E di tutti quei consiglieri saggi e assennati che diventano sempre più rari compagni di strada lungo i sentieri della vita. Proprio come i merli bianchi. Che poi, a dispetto della simbologia popolare, tanto rari non sono, stando alle acquisizioni della scienza ornitologica. "Aberrazioni cromatiche" le chiamano gli studiosi, con un'espressione che, in verità, sembra evocare terrificanti alchimie genetiche piuttosto che innocenti scherzi della natura.
Pare sia tutta una questione di pigmenti: nel caso dei merli le melanine, agenti responsabili della colorazione scura del piumaggio. Quando sono del tutto assenti si parla di albinismo, quando sono prodotte in quantità minime in presence of leucismo.
Merli albino blackbirds and leucistic - descendants of the illustrious but unfortunate ancestor finished in the clutches of the cat's Pinocchio - I'm not so unusual to observe, experts assure.
Even in a green area of \u200b\u200bparticular importance as the Vatican Gardens. There is a specimen in the area of \u200b\u200bthe French garden, behind the Lourdes Grotto, which often allows himself to observation of the bird-watcher lucky ones in the circle of the Leonine Wall. Among
which Benedict XVI himself and one of his secretaries, Monsignor Alfred Xuereb, who noted during the daily prayer of the Rosary while walking along the boulevards.
Luckily neither has propensities venatorie, verrebbe da dire. Fatto sta che il prelato, incoraggiato anche dal Papa, si è messo di impegno con l'intenzione di "catturarlo".
Ma per farlo è bastata una macchina fotografica dotata di un potente obiettivo. Che unita a una buona dose di pazienza e a uno spirito di osservazione non comune gli ha consentito il giorno seguente, al termine di un appostamento neanche tanto lungo, di immortalare in una serie di splendidi scatti (pubblicati in questa pagina) il volatile. Del tutto ignaro - soprattutto dopo la cattiva sorte capitata al suo più celebre avo - di essere divenuto oggetto nientedimeno che dell'attenzione del Romano Pontefice.
I suoi "colleghi" neri - una delle colonie più numerose tra le specie di uccelli che flock to the Vatican Gardens - it will certainly not bad. Even so, to listen to another legend, that exemplary white plumage actually keep the semblance of their original beauty. Other than pigments and melanins. It seems that once all the blackbirds were white. Their current color corvina is linked to the severe cold of the last three days of January - hence the expression "the days of the blackbird" - that would have forced a blackbird just numb to take refuge with the children inside a chimney. From which would then come out covered in soot. And so, since then, completely blacks. It must be why a more acute observer naturalist as the French novelist Jules Renard wrote: "The White Blackbird exists, the blackbird is but a shadow." There is a good bet that even begin to think the Pope
(© L'Osservatore Romano - December 11, 2009)
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