The controversy between the league and Tettamanzi has been said too much but not all (Source). A reflection "cold"
See also:
Pope's letter to the card. Bagnasco, "God, the central question for our time" (Sir)
The Pope Cardinal. Bagnasco: "The question of God is central to our age, which often tends to reduce man to a single dimension, the horizontal one, considering irrelevant to his life open to the Transcendent" (Letter )
The Pope at Sulmona July 4 for the eighth centenary of the birth of Celestine V (Civitareale)
CEI Conference on the "God question." Cardinal Ruini: Italy more than Christian the media says (Radio Vaticana)
Cuba, the Pope: the embargo still hurts, but relations with the U.S. improve. Implement religious freedom by allowing more churches (Izzo)
The contribution of Catholics to the development of the company at the center of the Pope with President of Gabon (Vatican Radio)
Ireland: mea culpa of bishops about abuse, meeting with the Pope tomorrow (Bandini)
curia in Milan is a Professor who works for hybridization with Islam (Meotti)
Ambassador Benedict XVI Cuban: progress in the field of religious freedom in Cuba. The thaw with the U.S. a chance for progress (RV)
Il convegno "Dio oggi. Con lui o senza di lui cambia tutto": lo speciale de "Il Foglio"
Vademecum del Vaticano per i sacerdoti-star. “Ricordate: siete preti non tronisti della tv” (Galeazzi)
Pedofilia, i vescovi irlandesi si scusano. Voci di dimissioni di alcuni prelati dopo l'incontro con il Papa
Domani i vescovi irlandesi dal Papa per informarlo sugli abusi di alcuni sacerdoti. Incontro voluto da Benedetto XVI in persona (Sir)
Le pressioni di Papa Ratzinger per favorire uno «sviluppo solidale» (bellissimo articolo di Accattoli)
Segnalazione "Nuove Edizioni dei Libri Liturgici per la Forma Straordinaria del Rito Romano (1962)
Discorso del Papa in Piazza di Spagna, presto confronto fra direttori delle reti Rai contro il sensazionalismo (Asca)
Appello del Papa sulla Convenzione contro le mine antipersona (Osservatore Romano via Zenit)
Un mondo d’intolleranza: dilaga la cristianofobia (Geninazzi)
Discorso del Papa in Piazza di Spagna: il commento di Carlo Marroni
To reduce the global warming there are those who think family planning (Gianfranco Amato)
"rebellion, division, dissent, insult, anarchy." The Pope recalled the twenty-five years after conviction of "liberation theology" (Introvigne)
Pope: "In the city they live - or survive - invisible people, who occasionally jump on the front page or on television, and are exploited to the last, until the news image attract attention. It 's a perverse mechanism, which unfortunately is hard to resist. The city first hidden and then exposed to the public. No mercy, or a false piety. Instead, there is in every man's desire to be accepted as a person and considered a sacred reality, because all human history is a sacred story, and demands the greatest respect " (act of veneration to Mary Immaculate)
The words of the Pope and the difficulty of seeking the common good (Aldo Grasso)
Pope Ratzinger among the top-20 of Foreign Policy (Missionline)
Islam, Cardinal. Bertone Al Jazeera: A wish for peace and peaceful coexistence and solidarity for all (Reuters)
The Pope at the hearing: "God's kindness and patience toward sinful man" (Izzo)
The two lines of the Church
On the controversy between the league and was Tettamanzi said too much but not all
Titian Source
On criticism of the newspaper "La Padania" Cardinal Tettamanzi has been called many things, but has not yet been told everything.
agreement with the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone, in Milan has praised the pastor of the largest diocese in the world. I agree with the many faithful who send e-mail to the curia Ambrosian expressing their solidarity with the archbishop.
agreement with the President of the Republic who, after recognizing the meaning of "essential" of the Church's presence in society, he has also defended the archbishop of Milan.
agreement with Gianni Alemanno, who called the Church to be left out of the political debate. Strongly disagree with those who argue that the Lega silly accusations are motivated by maneuvering for the post-Tettamanzi. Strongly disagree with those who, on the one side, with the Church uses two weights and two measures according to the conveniences.
Having said all this, because to each his own, made it clear what is unclear, however, must be said that the Italian Church there are two lines of action and seems to pass even a Cardinal Tettamanzi. Did not need the Lega boor to view it, but without the tare weight of the Lega boor, one can say that it is desirable that there was greater unity in the Church around the line drawn by the pope and that is certainly not good that you make too many speeches or even contradictory?
the conference of the Italian Church in Verona October 19, 2006, have both spoken Tettamanzi, the archbishop of Milan and the Pope's first opened the conference at the Arena and the second met the participants in the exhibition in the middle of work. The two speeches were very different. While Tettamanzi has proposed an extrovert and a priori Church united with the world, the Pope spoke of the mission of the Church of truth, which creates not only accompany but also to judge the world, that she could not keep his own salvation. Just
Verona Cardinal Tettamanzi, commenting on Ephesians, uttered the phrase that became famous: "Better to be a Christian without saying that proclaim it to be." Everyone had thought that his target had the so-called "devout atheists", or the same Northern League, which sometimes become instrumentally so-called guardians of Christian identity, and perhaps it was centered hypothesis. But the statement of the Cardinal could also be understood as the teaching of the Pope who, as noted, is very critical for truly "anonymous Christians" and continues to affirm that Christians must fight for space in the world will face God
Others had read that phrase as a direct to Cardinal Ruini, who is leaving the presidency of the CEI, he said: "It 's better to be challenged to be irrelevant."
Christians of the diocese of Milan are loyal to their pastor and they love him. There are however those who point out excessive horizontality of his teaching .
solidarity, hospitality, la sobrietà sono certamente valori anche cristiani. La diocesi di Milano è partita per prima nella creazione di un fondo di solidarietà a favore delle famiglie colpite dalla crisi economica ed ha poi trascinato altre diocesi italiane e la stessa Conferenza episcopale che ha fatto proprio il progetto. Si tratta senz’altro di un merito, che va riconosciuto unitamente a tanti altri. Però talvolta si ha l’impressione che l’approccio del cardinale sia fin troppo sociologico fino a sbiadire la specificità della presenza cristiana nella società di oggi.
Come se i cristiani dovessero solo amare, ma senza alcuna relazione con la verità, mentre, come dice Benedetto XVI, non si può amare se non nel rispetto the truth of who you love. Many of the faithful say that Milan is now difficult to hear a speech in Milan's Christian presence in society in the round - let alone "identity" Christian - but not limited to the duties of care and of peaceful coexistence.
On the occasion of 'occupation' of Muslim churchyard of the cathedral of Milan in January 2009, the Milanese Curia had been rather vague, referring to the right of all to prayer and the duty of hospitality. Neglecting
that the act was more of a prayer. It was a showdown, a daunting challenge and a promise of what might happen in the future. Minister Maroni League then intervened to prevent similar events in future, while the curia in Milan merely stated that he received a delegation that had brought the Archbishop his apologies and reassurances.
begins today in Rome the great conference, "With God or without God nothing is as before." With it, the Committee for Cultural Project headed by Cardinal Ruini is in charge of a deep concern of Benedict XVI: "In our time when vast areas of land in the faith is in danger of dying out like a flame that can no longer find food, the priority that stands above all is to make God present in this world and to show people access to God. " This phrase was contained in his letter to bishops of the world on the withdrawal of the excommunication of Lefebvre, but the concept recurs continually in the interventions of the Pope. Behind us is the conviction that not only the solidarity or receipt that you can make God present in this world.
In the Church today there are then two lines. One says that Christianity is helpful but not necessary for the construction of society, the other says it is not only helpful but necessary.
For the first Christians must practice solidarity and hospitality along with other men and like other men, for the second solidarity and hospitality should be included in Christ if they want to be truly liberating for everyone. The simplifications are always dangerous. But sometimes it seems as if these two lines also pass to the Duomo in Milan.
What does "La Padania" with it? Absolutely nothing and that is why the accusations to Cardinal Tettamanzi of being an "imam" was a bad accident. The Church has no need of such coarse measures to look within himself, let alone find a compromise between two lines. The two lines but there are .
© Copyright The West, Dec. 10, 2009
agree with the reflections of Source.
reiterate once again my solidarity 'to the card. Tettamanzi to the attacks by some politicians and an article in the Po Valley (not the course of Reguzzoni).
but I would like to 'move beyond the controversy. Sometimes we Ambrosian
faithful we are displaced because 'we have the impression that the diocese will necessarily differ from others.
There have been occasions where the views of the archbishops (especially the one in charge and retired) have done much "noise" allowing the media, so more 'or less correct, to oppose cardinals "good" a cardinal "bad" when not even the Pope "bad."
On other occasions (as in the case of employment of the churchyard Cathedral or the agony of Eluana) the silence of the diocese and 'appeared deafening. Ambrosian
We ask simply more 'communion with the Pope and less confusing.
Unfortunately, in some cases we have seen a race to the distinction (eg in the application of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum), which certainly does not help the Catholic Church .
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