Thursday, December 10, 2009

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The Irish bishops asking for forgiveness for sexual abuse committed by priests. Received by the Pope tomorrow (Izzo)

See also:

The fierce struggle of the Pope against pedophilia in the clergy as "the Irish case"

Pope: If God disappears, humanity could destroy itself (AsiaNews)

The controversy between the league and Tettamanzi was said too much but not all (Source). A reflection "Cold"

Pope's letter to the card. Bagnasco, "God, the central question for our time" (Sir)

The Pope Cardinal. Bagnasco: "The question of God is central to our age, which often tends to reduce man to a single dimension, the horizontal one, considering irrelevant to his life open to the Transcendent" (Letter )

The Pope at Sulmona July 4 for the eighth centenary of the birth of Celestine V (Civitareale)

CEI Conference on the "God question." Cardinal Ruini: Italy more Christian than what the media says (Radio Vaticana)

Cuba, the Pope, the embargo still hurts, but relations with the U.S. improve. Implement religious freedom by allowing more churches (Izzo)

The contribution of Catholics to the development of the company at the center of the Pope with President of Gabon (Vatican Radio)

Ireland: mea culpa of bishops about abuse, meeting with the Pope tomorrow (Bandini)

curia in Milan is a Professor who works for hybridization with Islam (Meotti)

Benedetto XVI all'ambasciatore cubano: progressi in tema di libertà religiosa nell'Isola. Il disgelo con gli Usa una chance di progresso (R.V.)

Il convegno "Dio oggi. Con lui o senza di lui cambia tutto": lo speciale de "Il Foglio"

Vademecum del Vaticano per i sacerdoti-star. “Ricordate: siete preti non tronisti della tv” (Galeazzi)

Pedofilia, i vescovi irlandesi si scusano. Voci di dimissioni di alcuni prelati dopo l'incontro con il Papa

Domani i vescovi irlandesi dal Papa per informarlo sugli abusi di alcuni sacerdoti. Incontro voluto da Benedetto XVI in persona (Sir)

Le pressioni di Papa Ratzinger per favorire uno «sviluppo solidale» (bellissimo articolo di Accattoli)

Segnalazione "Nuove Edizioni dei Libri Liturgici per la Forma Straordinaria del Rito Romano (1962)

Discorso del Papa in Piazza di Spagna, presto confronto fra direttori delle reti Rai contro il sensazionalismo (Asca)

Appello del Papa sulla Convenzione contro le mine antipersona (Osservatore Romano via Zenit)

Un mondo d’intolleranza: spreading the christophobia (Geninazzi)

Pope's Address at the English Steps: a commentary by Charles Brown

To reduce the global warming there are those who think family planning (Gianfranco Amato)

"rebellion, division, dissent, insult, anarchy." The Pope recalled the twenty-five years after conviction of "liberation theology" (Introvigne)

Pope: "In the city they live - or survive - invisible people, who occasionally jump on the front page or on television, and are exploited to the last, until the news image attract attention. It 's a perverse mechanism, which unfortunately is hard to resist. The city first and then hides exposes to the public. No mercy, or a false piety. Instead, there is in every man's desire to be accepted as a person and considered a sacred reality, because all human history is a sacred story, and demands the greatest respect " (act of veneration to Mary Immaculate)

The words of the Pope and the difficulty of seeking the common good (Aldo Grasso)

Pope Ratzinger among the top-20 of Foreign Policy (Missionline)

Islam, Cardinal. Bertone Al Jazeera: A wish for peace and peaceful coexistence and solidarity for all (Reuters)

The Pope at the hearing: "God's kindness and patience toward sinful man" (Izzo)

receive and publish it with great pleasure and gratitude:


Salvatore Izzo

(AGI) - Vatican, Dec. 10

the eve of a meeting that will be in the Vatican with Pope Benedict XVI, the Irish bishops have wanted to "publicly apologize to all who ask who have been abused by priests as children, their families and all people who feel rightly outraged and disappointed by the lack of authority 'and moral responsibility' that emerges from the Report ".
same prelates publicly committed to action based on "charity, 'truth,' integrity 'and transparency". "As a first response to the report - said the Episcopal Conference of Ireland in a statement issued today by the Religious Information Service - we have decided today to ask the National Council for the protection of children in the Catholic Church to explore with the relevant departments of the government and the authorities' in charge, the north and south of the country, a mechanism to ensure that current policies and practices of the Church in place to protect children are the best and that the allegations of abuse are properly addressed. We are deeply shocked by the scale and depravity of abuse, so 'as described in the report. We are ashamed at the way in which the sexual abuse of children 'was uncovered in the Archdiocese of Dublin and we recognize that this indicates a culture that was widespread in the Church. Avoid scandal and preserve the reputation of individuals and the Church had precedence over the safety and welfare of children. "" All this - continues the statement - would never have happened and must never have the possibility 'of recurrence. We humbly ask forgiveness. "
The bishops called into question "the report raises very important issues for the Church in Ireland, including the operation of the Bishops 'Conference and as the lay faithful can be more' effectively involved in the life of the Church." The statement concluded by inviting the community 'to pray for all those who have suffered. "

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