Thursday, December 10, 2009

Men In Thongs Wrestling

Tomorrow the Irish bishops by the Pope to inform him about the abuse by some priests. Meeting desired by Benedict XVI himself (Sir)

Vedi anche:

La strenua lotta del Papa contro la pedofilia nel clero: il "caso Irlanda"

Le pressioni di Papa Ratzinger per favorire uno «sviluppo solidale» (bellissimo articolo di Accattoli)

Segnalazione "Nuove Edizioni dei Libri Liturgici per la Forma Straordinaria del Rito Romano (1962)

Discorso del Papa in Piazza di Spagna, early comparison of Directors of Rai against sensationalism (Reuters)

Appeal of the Pope on the Convention against landmines (Osservatore Romano via Zenit)

a world of intolerance: the rampant Christianophobia ( Geninazzi)

Pope's Address at the English Steps: a commentary by Charles Brown

To reduce the global warming there are those who think family planning (Gianfranco Amato)

Benedict XVI: Jesus can meet all (Zenit)

Letter of Chinese clergy: they live during the "transition" between China and the Vatican (Vatican Radio)

"rebellion, division, dissent, insult, anarchy." The Pope recalled the twenty-five years after conviction of "liberation theology" (Introvigne)

Pope's Address at the English Steps, Mark Tarquinio: "Too often inflate the news with estrogen"

Pope's speech at the English Steps: a commentary by Giovanni Maria Vian

Pope: "In the city they live - or survive - people invisible, that sometimes jump on the front page or on television, and are exploited to the last, until the news image attract attention. It 's a perverse mechanism, which unfortunately is hard to resist. The city first and then hides exposes to the public. No mercy, or a false piety. Instead, there is in every man's desire to be accepted as a person and considered a sacred reality, because all human history is a sacred story, and demands the greatest respect " (act of veneration to Mary Immaculate)

The words of the Pope and the difficulty of seeking the common good (Aldo Grasso)

Pope Ratzinger among the top-20 of Foreign Policy (Missionline)

Year Priests, letter from the card. Hummes to priests: prayer, "food is essential," the priest

Pope's Address at the English Steps: the comment of Prof. Mario Morcellini (Vatican Radio)

Islam, Cardinal. Bertone Al Jazeera: A wish for peace and peaceful coexistence and solidarity for all (Reuters)

The Pope at the hearing: "God's kindness and patience toward sinful man" (Izzo)

The Pope's General Audience: The Petrine ministry is a guarantee of fidelity to sound doctrine. In the Eucharist Christ is "truly present" (RV)

PRESS: establishment of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the Russian Federation

Pope: The origin of evil in man and use the same misuse of freedom (Sir)

Pope: "Even today there is a danger to resize the Eucharistic reality, consider, namely, the Eucharist as only almost a rite of communion, socialization , forgetting too easily that the Eucharist is truly the risen Christ - with his resurrected body - who gets in our hands to get us out of ourselves, incorporate us in his immortal body and guide it to the new life " (Catechesis)

Calling the Pope to the media and the reception (Old)

Pope's Address at the English Steps: The comment by Giacomo Galeazzi

Gramellini Massimo commented on the Pope's speech: Good difficult (La Stampa)

Pope's speech, self-criticism of the directors: "just looking" (Bruzzone)

Lucia Annunziata says the Pope's words: The necessary evil (La Stampa)

good slam on the front page: Gianni Riotta comment on the Pope's words

Six cardinals board. Bertone rather stay and try to redo the curia (Rodari)

Giuliano Ferrara: Because you can criticize without malice Tettamanzi (Il Foglio)

Amicone to Tettamanzi: Solidarity trivial tired, true to Milan there. There is a strong idea of \u200b\u200bChrist and live, instead (Il Foglio)

Discorso del Papa in Piazza di Spagna: il commento di Salvatore Izzo


E’ stato Benedetto XVI in persona a richiamare in Vaticano il card. Seán Brady, primate della Chiesa cattolica di Irlanda e l'Arcivescovo di Dublino mons. Diarmuid Martin per “consentirgli di essere informato e valutare la dolorosa situazione della Chiesa in Irlanda a seguito della recente pubblicazione della Murphy Commission Report", il dossier sugli abusi commessi su bambini da preti dell'arcidiocesi di Dublino.
L’incontro – come già annunciato – avverrà domani. Il particolare emerge da un comunicato diffuso ieri in serata dalla Conferenza episcopale irlandese al termine dell’incontro invernale dei vescovi di Irlanda che è stato eccezionalmente dedicato al Rapporto della Commissione governativa di inchiesta sugli abusi commessi nell’arcidiocesi di Dublino e pubblicato il 26 novembre. “Noi, come vescovi – si legge in una dichiarazione resa pubblica ieri – chiediamo scusa a tutti coloro che sono stati abusati da preti come bambini, alle loro famiglie e a tutte le persone che si sentono giustamente indignate e deluse dalla mancanza di autorità morale e di responsabilità che emerge dal Rapporto". Nella riunione, i vescovi hanno discusso delle iniziative da prendere in futuro sulla base di una azione che will be based on "love, truth, integrity and transparency."
"As a first response to the report - the bishops write - we have decided today to ask the National Council for Child Protection in the Catholic Church to explore with the relevant departments of the government and law enforcement authorities in the North and South of the country, a mechanism to ensure that current policies and practices of the Church in place to protect children are the best and that the allegations of abuse are properly addressed. We are deeply shocked by the scale and depravity of the abuses, as described in the report. We are ashamed at the way in which sexual abuse on children was uncovered in the Archdiocese of Dublin and we recognize that this indicates a culture that was widespread in the Church. Avoid scandal and preserve the reputation of individuals and the Church had precedence over the safety and welfare of children. This would never have happened and should never be allowed to happen again. We humbly ask forgiveness. " The bishops called into question "the report raises very important issues for the Church in Ireland, including the operation of the Bishops' Conference and as the lay faithful can be more effectively involved in the life of the Church." The statement concluded by inviting the community to pray for all those who have suffered. "

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