Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sample Of Completed Community Serviceletter

Conference, Cardinal Ruini: about God is not neutral. Cardinal Bagnasco: faith does not compress the freedom (Izzo)

See also:

finished copying the "Gospel of Chile." One verse is the work of Pope (Vatican Radio)

Conference Cei card. Ruini: "Our values \u200b\u200bare non-negotiable '(The Rock)

Pedophilia, Tomorrow the Irish bishops by the Pope Verification zero tolerance (Izzo, monument)

Diplomatic relations between Holy See and Russia. Over a thousand years of mutual consideration (Alexei Judin)

Pope Ambassador of Cuba: "I hope that they continue to multiply the concrete signs of opening to the exercise of religious freedom, as has happened in recent years For example, the possibility of celebrating Mass in some prisons, the holding of religious processions, restoration and return of some of the construction of temples and religious houses, or to rely on social security by priests and religious. So the Catholic community will more easily for such a task pastoral (Address)

A white blackbird in the gardens of the Pope The animal captured by the camera of one of the secretaries of Benedict XVI (Osservatore Romano)

The Irish bishops asking for forgiveness for sexual abuse. Tomorrow received by the Pope (Izzo)

Pope: If God disappears, humanity could destroy itself (AsiaNews)

The controversy between the league and Tettamanzi has been said but not too all (Source). A reflection "cold"

Pope's letter to the card. Bagnasco, "God, the central question for our time" (Sir)

The Pope at Sulmona July 4 for the eighth centenary of the birth of Celestine V (Civitareale)

Conference on Cei "God question." Cardinal Ruini: Italy more Christian than what the media says (Radio Vaticana)

Cuba, the Pope, the embargo still hurts, but relations with the U.S. improve. Implement freedom allowing more religious churches (Izzo)

The Pope Cardinal. Bagnasco: "The question of God is central to our age, which often tends to reduce man to a single dimension, the horizontal one, considering irrelevant to his life open to the Transcendent" (Letter )

The contribution of Catholics to the development of the company at the center of the Pope with President of Gabon (Vatican Radio)

Ireland: mea culpa of bishops on abuse, meeting with the Pope tomorrow (Bandini)

curia in Milan is a Professor who works for hybridization with Islam (Meotti)

Benedict XVI Cuban ambassador: progress in the field of religious freedom in Cuba. The thaw with the U.S. a chance for progress (RV)

The conference on "God today. With him or without him, everything changes": the special "Il Foglio"

Handbook Vatican for the priests-star. "Remember, you are not priests tronista of TV" (Gale)

Pedophilia, the Irish bishops apologize. Voices of the resignation of some prelates after meeting with the Pope

Tomorrow the Irish bishops for the Pope notify of abuse by some priests. Meeting desired by Benedict XVI himself (Sir)

pressures of Pope Ratzinger to promote a "joint development" (article of Accattoli)

Report "New editions of liturgical books for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (1962)

Pope's Address at the English Steps, quick comparison between the directors of RAI networks against sensationalism (Reuters)

Appeal of the Pope on the Convention against landmines mines (Osservatore Romano via Zenit)

a world of intolerance: the rampant Christianophobia (Geninazzi)

Pope's Address at the English Steps: a commentary by Charles Brown

To reduce the global warming there are those who think of family planning (Gianfranco Amato)

"rebellion, division, dissent, insult, anarchy." The Pope recalled the twenty-five years after conviction of "liberation theology" (Introvigne)

Pope: "In the city they live - or survive - invisible people, who occasionally jump in first page or on television, and are exploited to the last, until the news image attract attention. It 's a perverse mechanism, which unfortunately is hard to resist. The city first and then hides exposes to the public. No mercy, or a false piety. Instead, there is in every man's desire to be accepted as a person and considered a sacred reality, because all human history is a sacred story, and demands the greatest respect " (act of veneration to Mary Immaculate)

The words of the Pope and the difficulty of seeking the common good (Aldo Grasso)

Pope Ratzinger among the top-20 of Foreign Policy (Missionline)

Islam, Cardinal. Bertone Al Jazeera: A wish for peace and peaceful coexistence and solidarity for all (Reuters)

The Pope at the hearing: "God's kindness and patience toward sinful man" (Izzo)

receive and publish it with great pleasure and gratitude:


Salvatore Izzo

(AGI) - Vatican, Dec. 10

is 'impossible' a neutral approach "to the question of God was underlined
card today. Camillo Ruini, the basic report to the Congress
"God today. With him or without him changes everything,"
promoted by the Italian Bishops Conference through the Committee for Cultural Project
. inevitably involves the person who sets it, since it has
to do with the meaning and direction of our lives. Between the two positions
(believe or not believe) because "the difference not only exists but is' big and
radical." For believers, "God and 'the origin, meaning and purpose
man and the universe." "I do not believe however - noted the cardinal -
may differ in their responses, as they believe that faith in God
negative, positive or irrelevant per la vita dell'uomo e della societa', ma
propriamente parlando si riferiscono soltanto alla nostra fede in Dio, non alla
realta' stessa di Dio, dato che secondo loro Dio non esiste, o comunque non
possiamo sapere niente di lui, nemmeno se egli esista". E non esiste nemmeno,
ha aggiunto Ruini, "uno spazio di neutralita' che possa consistere nel
rifugiarsi in una posizione agnostica, che e' forse argomentabile ma assai meno
concretamente vivibile". "Nella pratica - dunque - siamo costretti a scegliere
tra due alternative, gia' individuate da Pascal: o vivere come se Dio non
esistesse, oppure vivere come se Dio esistesse e fosse la realta' decisiva
della nostra esistenza. Se agiamo according to the first alternative -
noted the cardinal - that we adopt a position not only agnostic and atheist, and if we decide instead
the second alternative, we adopt a position
believer: the question of God ', therefore, unavoidable. "Yet, for
Ruini, the 'impossibility' of a neutral approach and purely 'scientific', if one part
can 'be seen as a limit, the other has a strong positive
flap, which consists in the total involvement of our
ourselves, our experience of life, liberty ', and affects as
intelligence and its ability to' critical. This is especially true about the word of
S. Augustine: 'You know what really just' who really loves
'. In relation to God is not 'so close in the event of any
narrow rationalism. "

© Copyright (AGI)


Salvatore Izzo

( AGI) - Vatican, Dec. 10

pages of the Gospel with the story of life and especially the resurrection of Jesus 'Christ' pose almost inexorably to human reason the question of God and his intervention in history. "
fact, explained the card. Camillo Ruini, in his speech at the Conference of the CEI, "if Christ is 'just a man, and especially not' risen siamo costretti, alla fine, a ridurre a mito la sua vicenda storica o a ricorrere ad altre ipotesi storicamente assai improbabili". In proposito, il card. Ruini ha rilevato che la moderna esegesi dell'Antico Testamento sembra che stia perdendo il riferimento alla fede. E questo rappresenta un impoverimento anche per l'Ebraismo. "Gia' la nascita del monoteismo ebraico - ha detto - appare un segno forte della presenza di Dio, sebbene la fase di transizione che attraversano attualmente gli studi dell’Antico Testamento renda questo segno non facile, oggi, da inquadrare ed apprezzare criticamente. Piu' chiaro - ha ammesso - e' il segno costituito dalla vita e in particolare dalla risurrezione di Gesù Cristo".
"Nella storia del cristianesimo - he added - there are data that point, at least in some way, To the question about God: so 'not only the miracles and other signs of a special intervention of God, but also the experience of God who have had the great many saints and mystics in general. "

© Copyright (AGI)


Salvatore Izzo

(AGI) - Vatican, Dec. 10

'Truth' Christian only knows the persuasive power of good reasons that support the aims and unselfish love, do not follow the path of manipulation and persuasion, but knows the dialogue, aperto e franco, chiaro nella propria identita' e rispettoso dell'interlocutore". Lo afferma il card. Angelo Bagnasco nella prolusione da lui tenuta oggi al Convegno "Dio oggi. Con Lui o senza di Lui cambia tutto", promosso dalla Conferenza Episcopale Italiana attraverso il Comitato per il Progetto Culturale presieduto dal card. Camillo Ruini. "Generata dall'amore", ha scandito il presidente della Cei, la verita' cristiana "non comprime ma esalta la libera scelta dell'uomo". "In un mondo fatto incerto e quasi scettico dal diffondersi della sindrome relativistica, in cui la passione e la stima per le grandi questioni paiono assopite, in cui la ragione strumentale e pragmatica sembra farla da padrona - ha detto - ogni discorso su realta' certe, assolute and transcendent, is liable to be rejected, inexorably, in the enclosure limited opinio subjective. "
The question of God, said Bagnasco," it is not 'an abstract question, but penetrates deep into the fibers of the inner man. "And and 'a' question that is pressing in our own time, just as popular cultural removal processes tend to marginalize. "Especially in the Western world, the question of God and 'left out of the usual path of culture," noted the Cardinal noting that "marginalized and psychologically removed, it appears, however, 'irrepressible what it' in the depths of the human heart, in disguise." According to Cardinal Bagnasco, "many forms of so-called return of the sacred, unfortunately, marred by sentimentality and emotion, they end up endorsing the widespread view that religion and reason belong to two worlds, if not opposed, at least incommunicable. "Faced with this risk, the cardinal, and 'necessary' claim parresia with respectful dignity 'and the cultural relevance of the Gospel, is able to interpret the existence and to guide the wayfarer man of our time, every time. "
Moreover, explained the archbishop of Genoa , "the question of God is not 'an investigation into the abstract, divorced from reality' of everyday life, but the crucial question, to which the radical discovery of the meaning (or meaninglessness) of the world and of life: of his personal life. "" God - said the cardinal - approaches the traveler of all time: if he hears his voice, then begins to find himself ".

© Copyright (AGI)


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