Ireland: mea culpa of bishops on abuse, meeting with the Pope tomorrow (Bandini)
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Ireland: mea culpa of bishops on abuse, meeting with the Pope tomorrow
Rome, 10 Dec (Velino)
"We, as bishops ask forgiveness to all those who as children were abused by priests, their families and all people who feel rightly outraged and disappointed by the lack of moral authority and responsibility that emerges from the Report "is the mea culpa of the Irish bishops to 'day after the publication of the Murphy Commission Report (on the abuses of the clergy of Dublin), and on the eve of the Pope and Cardinal Sean Brady, president of the Irish Bishops' Conference, Archbishop of Dublin, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Vatican tomorrow .
It was Benedict XVI himself who wanted the meeting to "be informed and consider the sad situation of the Church in Ireland following the recent publication of the Murphy Commission Report ", on 26 November, reported the two prelates. This meeting also responsible for the departments of the Roman Curia responsible for the subject and the nuncio in Ireland, Archbishop Giuseppe Leanza.
The bishops, meeting this week in Maynooth for the General Assembly, suspended the order of the day prepared, and dedicated the last session of the debate on the report.
"We are deeply shocked by the size and depravity of the abuses described - continues the note -. We are ashamed at the way in which the abuses were uncovered in the Archdiocese of Dublin and we recognize that this indicates a culture that was widespread in the Church. Avoid scandal and preserve the reputation of individuals and the Church have taken precedence over the welfare of children. This would never have happened and must not be repeated. We humbly ask forgiveness. " As early as last June
Benedict XVI received Cardinal Brady and Archbishop Martin. On that occasion, the Pope urged the church to "establish the truth of what happened," to ensure that justice is done for all ", to" ensure that measures taken to prevent the recurrence of abuses are fully implemented "and to" help the healing process for victims of abuse. "
Tuesday, the nuncio in Ireland he met Foreign Minister Michael Martin, who had raised harsh accusations against the Church and the Vatican for not replying to requests from the Commission for Drafting the Report. Particularly outstanding were two letters sent to the Nuncio.
At the end of an interview about 45 minutes, the nuncio said, "I once again express my shock, my dismay and certainly understand the anger and suffering of victims of abuse. Totally condemn these actions and if there were errors on our side, we apologize for that. "
The nuncio added that the Catholic Church "there was no intention not to cooperate with the Commission "has carried out his investigation. The letters, the nuncio said that did not respond because he thought they were copies "for information". As for the Vatican, "is carefully studying" the contents of the dossier "he said, assuring that the Pope" will take whatever measures are necessary. "
The minister said he had asked for full cooperation of the Church on further investigation on abuses in the diocese of Cloyne, saying it expected "full answers."
According to that report, the practices of child protection in Cloyne were "inadequate and in some respects harmful" and that is why the children were "endangered". On 7 January the committee of the Archdiocese of Dublin was to investigate what happened in the diocese supported by John Magee. A week later, Cardinal Sean Brady, Catholic Primate, had replied to those who demanded the resignation of the bishop, saying that Magee had promised "change and progress in his diocese." In early March, the Magee - private secretary to three popes, Paul VI, John Paul I and John Paul II - has resigned, overwhelmed by the controversy over how he handled an investigation into allegations of child abuse in his diocese.
On the table of the Pope could now reach anche la rinuncia al governo pastorale di monsignor Donal Murray, attualmente vescovo di Limerick, accusato di aver coperto alcuni casi nel corso dei 14 anni in cui è stato vescovo ausiliare di Dublino. Il presule si è difeso dicendo che se c’è stata mancanza di informazione da parte sua non è stata “né deliberata né volontaria” e in alcuni casi lui stesso aveva informazioni lacunose.
Il cardinale Brady ha dichiarato che se dovesse essere dichiarato colpevole monsignor Murray dovrebbe dimettersi. “Il vescovo è in contatto con me - ha detto -. Sta considerando la propria posizione e spera di essere in condizione di commentare presto, e sono fiducioso che farà la cosa giusta”.
Nella loro riunione Maynooth, the Irish bishops have also discussed the steps to be taken in the future on the basis of an action that will be based on "love, truth, integrity and transparency."
As a first response to the report - the bishops write - we decided to ask the National Council for Child Protection in the Catholic Church to explore with the relevant departments of the government and law enforcement authorities, a mechanism to ensure that policies and practices implemented by the Church for the protection of children are the best and that the allegations of abuse are properly addressed. " Moreover, they admit, "the report raises very important issues for the Church in Ireland, including the operation of the Bishops' Conference and as the lay faithful can be more effectively involved in the life of the Church, "they write, promising a more detailed brief considerations.
© Copyright The Velino, December 10, 2009 also available online here .
The explanations of the nuncio are indeed unacceptable especially for the "lightness" (to put it mildly) with which he treated the letters .
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