Conference on Cei "God question." Cardinal Ruini: Italy more Christian than what the media says (Radio Vaticana)
See also:
Cuba, the Pope, the embargo still hurts, but relations with the U.S. improve. Implement religious freedom by allowing more churches (Izzo)
The contribution of Catholics to the development of the company at the center of the Pope with President of Gabon (Vatican Radio)
Ireland: mea culpa of bishops on abuse, meeting with the Pope tomorrow (Bandini)
curia in Milan is a Professor working for hybridization with Islam (Meotti)
Benedict XVI Cuban ambassador: progress in the field of religious freedom in Cuba. The thaw with the U.S. a chance for progress (RV)
The conference on "God today. With him or without him, everything changes": the special "Il Foglio"
Handbook Vatican for the priests-star. "Remember, you are not priests tronista of TV" (Gale)
Pedophilia, the Irish bishops apologize. Voices of the resignation of some prelates after meeting with the Pope
Tomorrow the Irish bishops by the Pope to inform him about the abuse by some priests. Meeting desired by Benedict XVI himself (Sir)
pressures of Pope Ratzinger to promote a "joint development" (article of Accattoli)
Report "New editions of liturgical books for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (1962)
Pope's Address at the English Steps, quick comparison between the directors of RAI networks against sensationalism (Reuters)
Appeal of the Pope on the Convention against landmines (Osservatore Romano via Zenit)
a world of intolerance: the rampant Christianophobia (Geninazzi)
Pope's Address at the English Steps: a commentary by Charles Brown
To reduce the global warming there are those who think of family planning (Gianfranco Amato)
Benedict XVI: everyone can meet Jesus (Zenit)
Letter of Chinese clergy: they live during the "transition" between China and the Vatican (Vatican Radio)
"rebellion, division, dissent, insult, anarchy." The Pope recalled the twenty-five years after conviction of "liberation theology" (Introvigne)
Pope's Address at the English Steps, Mark Tarquinio: "Too often inflate the news with estrogen"
Pope's speech at the English Steps: a commentary by Giovanni Maria Vian
Pope: "In city \u200b\u200blive - or survive - invisible people, who occasionally jump on the front page or on television, and are exploited to the last, until the news image attract attention. It 's a perverse mechanism, which unfortunately is hard to resist. The city first and then hides exposes to the public. No mercy, or a false piety. Instead, there is in every man's desire to be accepted as a person and considered a sacred reality, because all human history is a sacred story, and demands the greatest respect " (act of veneration to Mary Immaculate)
The words of the Pope and the difficulty to seek the common good (Aldo Grasso)
Pope Ratzinger among the top-20 of Foreign Policy (Missionline)
Year Priests, letter from the card. Hummes to priests: prayer, "food is essential," the priest
Pope's Address at the English Steps: the comment of Prof. Mario Morcellini (Vatican Radio)
Islam, Cardinal. Bertone Al Jazeera: A wish for peace and peaceful coexistence and solidarity for all (Reuters)
The Pope at the hearing: "God's kindness and patience toward sinful man" (Izzo)
The Pope's general audience: the Petrine ministry is a guarantee of fidelity to sound doctrine. In the Eucharist Christ is "truly present" (RV)
PRESS: establishment of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the Russian Federation
Pope: The origin of evil in man and use the same misuse of freedom (Sir)
Pope: "Even today there is a danger to resize the Eucharistic reality, consider, namely, the Eucharist as only almost a rite of communion, to socialize and forget too easily that the Eucharist is truly the risen Christ - with his resurrected body - who gets in our hands to get us out of ourselves, incorporate us in his immortal body and thus lead to new life " (Catechesis)
Calling the Pope to the media and the reception (Old)
Pope's Address at the English Steps: The comment by Giacomo Galeazzi
Massimo Gramellini says the Pope's speech: Good difficult (La Stampa)
speech of the Pope, the self-criticism dei direttori: "Osservazioni giuste" (Bruzzone)
Lucia Annunziata commenta le parole del Papa: Il male inevitabile (La Stampa)
Sbattiamo il bene in prima pagina: Gianni Riotta commenta le parole del Papa
Sei cardinali in pensione. Bertone invece resta e prova a rifare la curia (Rodari)
Giuliano Ferrara: Perché si può criticare Tettamanzi senza malizia (Il Foglio)
Amicone a Tettamanzi: La solidarietà banale stanca, quella vera a Milano c’è. Non c’è un’idea strong and alive in Christ, however (Il Foglio)
Pope's Address at the English Steps: The comment by Salvatore Izzo
CEI Conference on the "God question." Cardinal Ruini: Italy more Christian than what the media says
"God today. With him or without him changes everything" is the theme of a conference sponsored by the International Committee for the Cultural Project of the Italian Bishops Conference, which opens today afternoon in the Auditorium of the way of conciliation in Rome. Theologians, philosophers, journalists, intellectuals, men of culture and academics will debate for tre giorni sulla “questione di Dio”, spaziando dalla musica alla politica, dalla letteratura alla scienza. Il Convegno sarà aperto, alle ore 15, dai saluti del cardinale Angelo Bagnasco, presidente della Cei, e del sindaco di Roma, Gianni Alemanno. Intervistato da Luca Collodi, il presidente del Progetto culturale della Cei, il cardinale Camillo Ruini, si sofferma sull’importanza della cultura nella vita della Chiesa:
R. – E’ importante perché la cultura è come l’aria che tutti respiriamo. Dalla cultura dipende la vita, come, del resto, dalla vita dipende la cultura. C’è un rapporto profondo. La presenza cristiana nella cultura è essenziale per l’evangelizzazione.
D. – Secondo lei, l’evangelizzazione della cultura italiana è oggi ancora possibile in una società dove c’è un forte pluralismo culturale?
R. – Non solo è possibile, ma direi quanto mai necessaria. L’evangelizzazione è capace di penetrare ogni cultura e tanto più può penetrare una cultura come quella italiana di oggi, che ha radici cristiane profonde, che nasce in buona parte dal cristianesimo, anche se – per certe sue tendenze – sembra allontanarsi dal cristianesimo stesso.
D. – Quanto è importante la presenza e l’incidenza del laicato in ambito sociale, ma anche politico?
R. - There has been, with Vatican II, the great rediscovery of the value of the laity. This experience, which certainly has a special area in the social and political concerns of everyday life, such as family life, and also includes the Christian witness. And 'my profound conviction that the evangelization in the future will not be possible if there will be many lay evangelists, who by their witness of life and also with their ability to offer reasons for faith can make an apostolate widespread in environments where live.
D. - Some say you can believe in God, but that can no longer support some precepts of the Catholic Church in matters of doctrine and morals. What do you say?
R. - Can You Believe in God and you can accept fully and permanently as the Church in matters of doctrine in the moral field. For me as an essential and perhaps even more important is another issue, that of life after death. There is no true Christianity if we think that man's life ends on this earth. Christ is risen from the dead. This is the central message of the New Testament, this is the mission of the Apostles, to bear witness to the Resurrection of Christ. Christ is not risen only for himself, but rose again for us all.
D. - For the cultural project is also crucial in a healthy relationship with the press, radio and television. But this relationship with the media is another point on which to pause and reflect. The pope also spoke last Sunday at the English Steps ...
R. - It 's a very delicate and important. I am convinced that the reality of daily life of our people is far more steeped in Christianity that often emerges from the image given to them by the media. So I would ask the media to listen and see the reality of life, which is not only represented by deviations from the bad things that happen and that is always unfortunately occurred, but there's so much good in life. There is also a union with God, a search for God in those who, perhaps in their lives, can not always be consistent.
D. - What do you expect from this three-day work?
R. - I expect first and foremost a cultural study. We called great cultural personalities in various fields. I hope then, secondly, that public attention is drawn to this central point, because - as the title of the conference - only with him, with God or without God changes everything, changes the meaning of our life. But also because the question that comes before everything is always this: God exists or not? I think we can show very good reasons to realize that not only from a standpoint of the believer, but also from the standpoint of the man who tries to be rational, the question of God imposes itself today as it has ever imposed in past.
(Edited by Maria Brigini)
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