Thursday, December 10, 2009

Butterfly Sailboat Replacemrnt Parts

Pope godless humanity destroys itself (Izzo)

See also:

Bertone on Al Jazeera: "Ensuring everyone the freedom of worship" (Old)

Benedict XVI and the attention to creation. "Long live the Pope, long live the Squirrel" (Lucetta Scaraffia)

CEI Conference, Cardinal Ruini: about God is not neutral. Cardinal Bagnasco: faith does not compress the freedom (Izzo)

finished copying the "Gospel of Chile." One verse is the work of Pope (Vatican Radio)

Conference Cei card. Ruini: "Our values \u200b\u200bare non-negotiable '(The Rock)

Pedophilia, the Irish bishops by the Pope tomorrow Check on zero tolerance (Izzo, monument)

Diplomatic relations between Holy See and Russia. Over a thousand years of mutual consideration (Alexei Judin)

The Pope's ambassador to Cuba: "I hope that they continue to multiply the concrete signs of opening to the exercise of religious freedom, as has happened in recent years, for example, the possibility of celebrating Mass in some prisons, the holding of religious processions, restoration and return of a few temples and the construction of religious houses, or to rely on Social Security by priests and religious. So the Catholic community take place more easily for such a task pastoral (Address)

A blackbird in white The gardens of the Pope pet immortalized by the camera of one of the secretaries of Benedict XVI (Osservatore Romano)

The Irish bishops asking for forgiveness for sexual abuse. Received by the Pope tomorrow (Izzo)

Pope: If God disappears, humanity could destroy itself (AsiaNews)

The controversy between the league and Tettamanzi has been said but not too all (Source). A reflection "cold"

Pope's letter to the card. Bagnasco, "God, the central question for our time" (Sir)

The Pope at Sulmona July 4 for the eighth centenary of the birth of Celestine V (Civitareale)

CEI Conference on the "God question." Cardinal Ruini: Italy more Christian than what the media says (Vatican Radio)

Cuba, the Pope, the embargo still hurts, but relations with the U.S. improve. Implement religious freedom by allowing more churches (Izzo)

The Pope Cardinal. Bagnasco: "The question of God is central to our age, which often tends to reduce man to a single dimension, the horizontal one, considering irrelevant to his life open to the Transcendent " (Letter)

The contribution of Catholics to the development of the company at the center of the Pope with President of Gabon (Vatican Radio)

Ireland: mea culpa of bishops on abuse, meeting with the Pope tomorrow (Bandini)

curia in Milan is a Professor who works for hybridization with Islam (Meotti)

Benedict XVI Cuban ambassador: progress in the field of religious freedom in Cuba. The thaw with the U.S. a chance for progress (RV)

The conference on "God today. With him or without him, everything changes": the special "Il Foglio"

Handbook for priests Vatican-star. "Remember, you are not priests tronista of TV" (Gale)

Pedophilia, the Irish bishops apologize. Voices of the resignation of some prelates after meeting with the Pope

Tomorrow the Irish bishops by the Pope to inform him about the abuse by some priests. Meeting desired by Benedict XVI himself (Sir)

pressures of Pope Ratzinger to promote a "development solidarity" (beautiful Accattoli article)

Report "New editions of liturgical books for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (1962)

Pope's Address at the English Steps, quick comparison between the Directors of Rai against sensationalism (Reuters)

Appeal of the Pope on the Convention against landmines (Osservatore Romano via Zenit)

a world of intolerance: the rampant Christianophobia (Geninazzi)

Speech by Pope in the Piazza di Spagna: a commentary by Charles Brown

Per ridurre il global warming c'è chi pensa alla pianificazione delle nascite (Gianfranco Amato)

«Ribellione, divisione, dissenso, offesa, anarchia». Il Papa ricorda i venticinque anni dalla condanna della «teologia della liberazione» (Introvigne)

Il Papa: "Nella città vivono – o sopravvivono – persone invisibili, che ogni tanto balzano in prima pagina o sui teleschermi, e vengono sfruttate fino all’ultimo, finché la notizia e l’immagine attirano l’attenzione. E’ un meccanismo perverso, al quale purtroppo si stenta a resistere. La città first hidden and then exposed to the public. No mercy, or a false piety. Instead, there is in every man's desire to be accepted as a person and considered a sacred reality, because all human history is a sacred story, and demands the greatest respect " (act of veneration to Mary Immaculate)

The words of the Pope and the difficulty of seeking the common good (Aldo Grasso)

Pope Ratzinger among the top-20 of Foreign Policy (Missionline)

Islam, Cardinal. Bertone Al Jazeera: A wish for peace and peaceful coexistence and solidarity for all (Reuters)

The Pope at the hearing: "God's kindness and patience toward sinful man" (Izzo)

receive and publish it with great pleasure and gratitude:

WITNESS: POPE, NOT human God 'is self-defeating

Salvatore Izzo

(AGI) - Vatican, Dec. 10

"When God disappears from the horizon of man, humanity 'loses focus and is likely to take steps towards the destruction of itself."
is the teaching of Benedict XVI says, "the experiences of the past, not far away." With these words, read by the secretary of the CEI Mariano Crusade, and will 'open the conference "God today. With him or without him changes everything," sponsored by the Committee for the cultural project of the Italian Church. "The question of God - the Pope writes - and 'central to our age, which often tends to reduce man to a single dimension, the' horizontal ', considered irrelevant to his life open to the Transcendent ". "Faith in God - reminds Ratzinger - the man opens the horizon of a certain hope that does not disappoint, indicating a solid foundation on which to rest without fear life, and calls to surrender with trust in the hands of love that sustains the world. " And then, "the relationship with God and 'essential for humanity's progress' and the Church and every Christian have precisely the task of making God present in this world, trying to open people access to God. "
Benedict XVI is encouraging the Italian Church to operate at the level of reinventing the Gospel" in a situation such as cultural and spiritual that we are living, where there is a growing tendency to relegate God to the private sphere, to consider it as irrelevant and unnecessary, or explicitly reject it, "the Pope hopes that" this event will contribute at least to dispel the gloom that makes for precarious and fearful ' man of our time, the openness to God, though he never ceases to knock at our door. "" The breadth of approach to the important theme that characterizes the meeting - the Pope notes - permettera' di tracciare un quadro ricco e articolato della questione di Dio, ma soprattutto sara' di stimolo per una piu' profonda riflessione sul posto che occupa Dio nella cultura e nella vita del nostro tempo". Il tutto attraverso un doppio binario: "da una parte - conclude Benedetto XVI - si intende mostrare le varie strade che conducono ad affermare la verita' circa l'esistenza di Dio, quel Dio che l'umanita' ha da sempre in qualche modo conosciuto, pur nei chiaroscuri della sua storia, e che si e' rivelato con lo splendore del suo volto nell'Alleanza con il popolo di Israele e nel Vangelo".

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