Thursday, December 10, 2009

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Benedict XVI and the care of creation. "Long live the Pope, long live the Squirrel" (Lucetta Scaraffia) Cei

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Benedict XVI and the attention to creation

"Long live the Pope, live squirrel! "

Lucetta Scaraffia

When I saw on television that the arrival of the big fir troneggerà, full of Christmas decorations in the center of St. Peter's Square on Christmas Day, I wondered if, in His great trunk, there is some lair where he sleeps - or rather slept - a squirrel. Because this is the plot of the story for children and adults, with depth and irony, Susanna Tamaro said in his latest book, The Great Tree (Puffin), illustrated by Giulia Orecchia.
While talking about trees and animals, and the world is told from their point of view, imagining their consciousness and communication skills, is not a book eco-friendly propaganda, but a poetic literary device to make us reflect on the relationship cold and irresponsible owners from far away, that we have with nature. In a tangle of times that intersect despite their great diversity - the secular life of the trees, the short time the lives of wild animals and that of human life - the personality of the fir tree, which through the centuries acquired knowledge and wisdom, unravels with time almost musical.
We are ready then we readers live the event as a drama that marks the destiny: humans come armed with chainsaws cut it up and carry it in Piazza San Pietro. But the little squirrel Crik, unwitting witness to the drama, does not give up, fights for the life of the tree and in this battle to get even a miracle will save his life.
with a pigeon as an assistant, manages to get just as those before the Pope celebrates Christmas mass, escaping to the security, ready to shoot it down because he suspects that this small animal could be a messenger of terrorists. We succeed because the Pope sends a signal of suspension and, in wonder generale, si accinge ad ascoltare quello che gli vuole comunicare lo scoiattolo: naturalmente, tutto succede in diretta televisiva, fra commenti cattivi e increduli di chi pensa sia un segno di pazzia del vecchio Papa, ed è pronto a indignarsi: "Qualcuno lo deve fermare, ne va del nostro prestigio. Siamo in mondovisione!".
Ma il Papa non demorde, e anzi parla di alberi e di scoiattoli nella sua omelia, in cui propone i grandi alberi, le cattedrali verdi, come esempio: "E se non affondiamo le radici nella terra, come facciamo ad alzare lo sguardo verso il cielo?". Fra il giubilo dei presenti, che inneggiano "Viva il Papa, viva lo scoiattolo!" si avvicina all'albero, e lo abbraccia: "La corteccia era ruvida contro la sua cheek. The scent of resin was the scent of his youth. How many times, walking in the Tatra Mountains, the Almighty had spoken with the murmur of leaves, in those moments it seemed that the time already embraced eternity. "And then blesses Crik," a humble creature inflamed by love. "The day Next, a huge truck will bring back the big deal and the squirrel in the forest where, reunited to its roots, the tree will continue to live.
do not know if brought in the giant fir for Christmas is a squirrel, but we know that if there was, Pope Benedict XVI, like Pope John Paul II envisioned by Tamaro, he would know listen to it.
Pope Ratzinger, in fact, is well known for lavishing attention knows that the creation and its creatures, and, moreover, has always admitted a special love for cats, as told by another nice book, released some time ago with a preface by Georg Gänswein, Joseph and Chico ( Edizioni Messaggero). Here is a cat, Chico, who talks about his long friendship with the Pope, who told him many things about himself, and then knows how to communicate the special language of cats.
is also with books like these that can raise awareness among readers about environmental issues, and you can make people understand how the Church has at heart the welfare of not only humans but also of the world, animal and plant, which God has entrusted to us .

(© L'Osservatore Romano - December 11, 2009)

Scaraffia Prof. Fine has taken the sensible and affectionate soul of Benedict XVI. Redeem
Tamaro that went 'to tell Bignardi that, Pope Ratzinger, he never imagined a squirrel but a bookworm


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